On May 12, 1944, Claudis
Greer and friend, Gene Dukes,
left for the service. Within the
next six months Goldie (wife of
Claudis), and young son, Claudis
Jr. were moved into a house on
West Collett Street in Oakwood
by her brother-in-laws, Royce
and Levy Greer.
Claudis returned from the
service in November of 1944.
The Greers lived in Oakwood for
three and one-half years.
During this time another son,
Donald Joe, was bom November
Goldie was a homemaker and Claudis worked at various jobs. Some were truck driver for O.B
Burke, Oakwood Avenue; Haydite Plant in Danville, and Greer’s Garage in Danville.
From Oakwood the family moved to north of Andy’s Pay Lake. While living there, another son,
Larry Eugene, was bom October 31, 1948.
Their daughter, Vicki Lynn, was bom August 24, 1950, while the family lived on Batestown
Road by Diamond School.
By July 1955, the family settled on South Griffin Street in Danville. The children resided there
until they married. Claudis and Goldie moved in November of 1974 to Murray Clark Road in
Danville, where they now reside.
Vicki Lynn is the wife of Merv Johnson, and they have been residents of Oakwood for the past 22