No meeting in March 1889 owing to the inclemency of the weather.

Muncie Baptist Church met April 21, 1888. Devotional exercises. Minutes of church read and approved. Sister Melinda Mires requested a letter of dismissal which was granted. No more business appearing by motion adjourned. It James a Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

The Muncie Baptist Church met May 26, 1888. Devotional exercises. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. New business a committee were appointed to procure a policy of insurance on church building against cyclones fire and lightning. Committee consisting of brethren Alfred Stearns James a Bantz and FP Dalbey by motion adjourned. It James a Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

owing to the inclemency of the weather no meeting June 1988.

Muncie Baptist Church met July 21, 1888. Devotional exercises the clerk not present William Lynch was appointed clerk pro tem. Brother AL Stearns committee on insurance reported $36 signed and $22 collected report received an committee continued. Delegates were appointed to the Association as follows Rev. James a Bantz AL Stearns Shelby Collings Thomas C Hughes sisters of Mary day and Caroline Russell. By motion adjourned. JA Bantz moderator W Lynch church clerk pro tem





The first Baptist Church of Muncie met August 25, 1888 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved the committee on insurance reported procured a policy on church building against fire and lightning when storms tornadoes and cyclones report received an committee discharged $3.75 collected over paying insurance was voted to pay on furnishing a room for young ladies at Shestleff College. By motion adjourned brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

The first Baptist Church met September 22, 1888 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved committee were appointed to confer with brother Dickie Watts in regard to his disorderly conduct committee consisting of brother in Thomas Hughes and FP Dalbey at their own request brother Jay Towey and Sister Mary E Towey or granted letters of dismissal church called brother LF Bailey once per month for one year for $140 with the consideration of calling him twice per month beginning 1 January 1889 with a salary of $250 per year. By motion adjourned JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk








The first Baptist Church of Muncie met October 27, 1888. Devotional exercise. Minutes of church read and approved. The committee to talk to brother Dickie Watts not prepared to report were continued. Church voted to take a public collection once per month for incidental purposes. Services were conducted over Sabbath by brother Bailey. A collection of $3.14 was taken for incidental expenses. After 7 o’clock services brother Isaac Bailey was received by letter and sister Mallory Vincent was received by relation. The hand of church fellowship was extended to brother Harry Lafflin. Then was dismissed with benediction. Brother LF Bailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

the first Baptist Church of Muncie met November 24, 1888. The church met at the usual hour. The reading of a portion of God’s word prayer and a short talk by brother Bailey. Pray and conference by the brethren and sisters. Then the church proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting called for but the clerk not being present and the minutes not at hand the reading had to be admitted. Unfinished business called for, the con committee appointed to see brother Dickie Watts was then called on to report. One not present the other not prepared to report. Committee was continued. Treas. report called for made and accepted. Report as follows: received since August 26, 1888 $43, cash on hand $.45 including in this is the $8.58 for missions total $43.45 paid out $45.40. Brother Collings reported lamp cost six dollars and a little money left after paying for lamp which voted to use for incidental expenses by motion adjourned. Brother LF Bailey moderator Mary J Hopper clerk







The first Baptist Church of Muncie met December 22, 1888 the devotional exercise minutes of church read and approved the committee to talk to brother Dickie Watts reported that the brother said he would come to the church and do his duty report received an committee discharged by motion adjourned brother Isaac Bailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

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