Finding information about Sarah Prickett and Uriah Morgan has required some real detective work. So far I haven’t ventured off the web to search, and have found references to Sarah with Uriah a few places. Sarah Prickett’s family is well known throughout the area (so was Morgan’s)!
Undocumented records I have found, show Sarah as having been born in 1775 and surviving until 1832. She most likely married Uriah Morgan in the late 1700s. – Other undocumented records show children starting around 1798. Their daughter Nancy Morgan was my 3rd great grandmother that married John McArdle in Tyler County, Virginia and then moved on to Illinois. Surprisingly Nancy passed away 1839, perhaps explaining how she lost touch with her family. Though distance and the lack of reliable communication at the time is more likely the cause.
The one piece of documentation I have found that shows Sarah Prickett being a Morgan is Josiah Prickett’s will. Josiah has listed his daughter Sarah Morgan as one of his beneficiaries. This shows that at the time of the will Sarah was now a Morgan.
Visiting the area around Prickett’s fort and Morgantown is on my list, and I plan to explore more later. For now though this is interesting and gives me something concrete to include in my file!