Receipt for Burial

After arriving in the US – Francis Moretto passed away.  I’m not sure what she passed away from, but child mortality was fairly high during that time period.  The receipt shows that Pearl Pearch was paid $4 for a grave and opening the grave.  Francis died December 29, 1906.  My great grandparents also lost another daughter Theresa while a child.  (Yes same name as my grandmother) The story was that my Great Grandmother had a sister with the same name, so when she lost her daughter Theresa she reused the name for my grandmother.

I also remember my mother mentioning that they went to find the grave in Clinton IN and the grave had washed away.  I think it was Francis’ grave that is now missing since I remember my mother also telling a story about visiting Theresa’s grave.

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Declaration of Intention

This is a letter showing that after an investigation showing that my great grandmother arrived on or before June of 1905 – they allowed her to file for citizenship without a certificate of arrival.  It’s funny how now those papers are pretty easy to find, but the original paper copies were not easily accessible- even knowing date, ship, and so on.  It does make me wonder about my aunts that arrived with my great grandmother.  How did they get citizenship?  Did they get citizenship?  One, Francis, died shortly after arriving…  but my great Aunts Mary and Maggie survived until the 80s. I wish I had thought to ask them at the time.  I remember a visit to the hospital to visit one while I was in school….

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