![Lindsey Corbly Obituary Page 2](https://myrootsrundeep.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Richternew23.jpg)
Lindsey Corbly Obituary Page 2
Obituaries provide not just information about the passing of a relative, but also can provide a history. This clipping from my aunt’s album includes information including that he served on the first Grand Jury of the county and several boards – as well as that he was primarily a farmer raising livestock. It mentions that he was a county supervisor at the time the University of Illinois was determined to be located in Urbana, Illinois.
It gives dates not only for his passing but also for his wife and an amazing amount of other information.
in pursuits until he and his family moved to Paxton.
In the fall of 1855 Mr. Corbly removed to what is now Ford county and here resided until 1863, when he returned to Champaign county, locating on a farm in the near neighborhood of his Ford county farm. His wife, an estimable woman, died on JAnuary 17, 1866, and on the 24th of March, 1867, he joined in wedlock, in Meadville, Pa. to Miss Mary A. Scholl. The lady was born in Crawford county, Pa., where her family resided for many years. They became the parents of three children: Fred M., Lora E., now the wife of O. H. Wylie, of Paxton, and Evalyn, who is the wife of P. A. Kemp of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr Corbly continued to reside in Champaign county until the fall of 1861, when he came to Paxton, where he has since made his home, a valued and respected citizen. Mrs. Corbly passed away on March 10th, 1907. In June, 1909, Mr. Corby was united in marriage to Mrs. Emily Wait, of Danville, ILL, who, with the children, are left to mourn his loss. He has been an industrious and thrifty man, and succeeded in the accumulation a large property of valuable land. He was largely engaged in growing and dealing in livestock and for many years bought, fed, and sold stock. He served as a member of the first election board in the town of Gibson, Ford county, was a member of the first board of county commissioners that divided Ford county into townships, and served as a member of the first grand jury of this county. He was supervisor of Kerr township, Champaign county for eleven years; was trustee twenty years, and four years treasurer of the same township. During the time that he was serving as supervisor in Champaign county the state offered to locate the University of Illinois in Urbana. Mr. Corbly, Mr. James Davidson and Mr. Scott were responsible for the purchase of the first tract of land for this great institution. From youth Mr. Corbly was a Methodist, and regullarly attended that church. He was a steward of the Paxton church and a trustee for many years and was active and influential in its support. His wife was one of the efficient workers among the ladies of her church. Mr. Corbly was well known to the citizens of Ford and adjacent counties as a man of impeachable integrity and financial responsibility. Funeral services will take place on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at the home on West State street at 2 o’clock oat the M. E. Church Rev. W. D. Fairchild will officiate.