Rules of Decorum
Rules of Decorum
- Our meetings on all occasions shall be opened by praise & prayer
- The church shall have one or more deacons and one of them to act as treasurer to receive and pay over all money as directed by the church & report quarterly the state of the treasury
- This church shall have a moderator whose duty shall be to keep order to put all motions made and seconded by the church except withdrawn by the motioned & also to invite visiting brethren & sister of the same path & order & in good standing to a seat with us & to have an equal privilege of speaking provided his seat be filed & also to give the casting vote
- This church shall have a writing clerk whose duty shall be to make a true record of the proceedings of the church & read the same if requested before the church is dismissed
- All private transgressions settled in the way set forth in the 18th chapter of Matthew but public transgressions require public acknowledgements & when coming under the notice of any member shall lay the matter before the church & proper steps be taken to reclaim such offences
- All business touching fellowship shall at a called meeting for that purpose
- Any motion made & seconded shall be fill for discussion before the voice of the church is taken
- Any member wishing to speak shall arise & address the moderator strictly attend to the subject under consideration having regard to the order casting no reflections on those who have spoken & not to speak more than twice on the same motion without permission from the church
- The reception of members by unanimous consent & the moderator to give them the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the church.
- The exclusion of member to be by a majority of the whole & not to be restored without the unanimous consent of the church.
- Each member to bare their part according to what they have & not according to what they have not in the necessary expenses of the church
- The articles of faith & rules of decorum to be read when requested & revised or amended when a majority shall be in favor of it.
Rules of Decorum
- Our meetings invariably shall, with praise & prayer