Walker’s point church called a meeting in March 1881 for the purpose of taking steps towards moving the church building to the village of Muncie a building committee consisting of brethren John McFarland Samuel Dalbey and W Reims were appointed. W Lynch clerk part-time
Walker’s point church met in April 1881 at brother Harrison Stearns for the purpose of transacting business. DW Ross agreeing to move the church building to Muncie for the sum of $100 the sum was given him ales JA Bantz CE Jones and FP Dalbey were appointed church trustees.
Walker’s point church met May 1881 at the Dalbey schoolhouse not enough members present to transact business preaching over Sabbath by brother Coffman.
Walker’s point church met in June 1881 at Cass schoolhouse preaching by a brother Coffman after which Jane Turner was granted a letter of dismissal the clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Bloomfield Baptist Association meeting adjourned.
Brother Coffman moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Walker’s point church met July 23, 1881 at the Dalbey schoolhouse divine services organize for business the Association letter was read and approved delegates were appointed to the Association as follows as Stearns FP Dalbey and Linda Berkley by motion adjourned brother J Coffman moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church August 27, 1881. The Association being in session there was no meeting. FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met September 24, 1881. Divine services. Organize for business minutes of last meeting being lost the clerk giving of verbal report was approved. New business and committees were appointed to procure a pastor for the ensuing year committee consisting of the deacons of the church Harrison Stearns Samuel Dalbey James Bantz CE Jones and FP Dalbey. The motion was withdrawn and W Lynch added to the committee. Willie Ingersoll her name being Dalbey when she united with the church was granted a letter of dismissal. No more business appealing by motion adjourned. Brother Coffman moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met October 22, 1881. Divine services. Church read and approved a report of committee on procuring a pastor for the ensuing year. Reported would not have a pastor until church that liquidated or provided for. Report received. An committee continued. By motion adjourned. Rev. JW Coffman moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met November 26, 1881 organize for business by appointing brother JA Bantz moderator articles of faith and rules of the quorum read by request of the church the church building was rededicated November 6 Brother WH Stedman of Indiana preach the dedication of sermon. The church debt $355 was provided for and seven dollars and a collection was taken the committee on procuring a pastor for the ensuing year reported brother JA Bantz reported brother seals would preach if the church unanimously wanted him brother Lynch reported brother Coffman would preach after a short talk from several of the members of the majority of the church members present voted to call Brother Coffman twice per month for one year the report was received an committee discharged by motion adjourned. JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met December 31, 1881 organize for business Rev. JA Bantz moderator minutes of church read and approved church voted to give brother Coffman $250 for preaching the gospel half of his time for one year and $300 if it could be raised committee was appointed to talk to church members who were disregarding church rules and report at the next regular meeting for business first committee consisting of brethren JH Stearns and Alfred Stearns second committee consisting of S Dalbey by motion adjourned brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk