Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday Jan 4th 1862 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1st the building committee that was appointed to build our house of worship made a report that the house was now clear of debt & were discharged 2a petition was presented by Brother jones one of the deacons of this church to withdraw the hand of fellowship from sister Mary & jane Wiley for repeated violations of order + new testament rules 3 Brother h stearnes offered an amendment to defer it until our next church meeting & to Send Brother J Littler as a committee to council with & notify them to attend trial. Amendment received. Adjourned Elder n g Griffing I littler church clerk

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday Feb. 1st 1862 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1st the minutes from the last meeting were read and approved 2 the report of the committee was called for the Brother reported that the sisters were careless & unconcerned thought it was no harm to dance & would not come back to the church 3 after some remarks the question was taken which resulted in their exclusion from this church adjourned Elder Griffing Moderator I littler church clerk

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday march 1 1862 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business no business adjourned

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday may 1 1862 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business no business adjourned



Walkers point church met Saturday June 1 1862

Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business no business adjourned

Walkers point church met Saturday July the 5th 1862 preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business resolved that the brother clerk write a letter to the association & read the same at our next meeting adjourned

Walkers point church met Saturday Aug. the 2nd 1862 preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1st the letter to the association was called for was read and approved then adjourned to meet tomorrow at eleven o’clock Sunday morning

Eleven o’clock preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when the following named person were received by letter in to the church Ephraim Jenkins and Elizabeth Jenkins his wife adjourned             Elder n l griffin mod           Isaac littler church Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday nov 1st 1862 preaching by our pastor the church was then organised for business it was then resolved to call brother N L Griffing to take the pastoral charge of this church another year for a sum of money that the church can afford or may be able to pay him adjourned Elder Griffing mod Isaac littler church Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday Dec. 2 1862 preaching by out pastor the church was then organized for business 1st the journal of the preceding day was read + approved no other business adjourned to meet tomorrow at 11 o’clock

Sunday morning 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened Synthia Jenkins was received.

Where the ordinance of baptism was administered

Miss Daugherty by Elder G.W. carter today the lady of the vision was permitted to view the now divided when in pursuit of grapes and the of baptising was the identical plot where she met with her deceased husband and the stranger the ground who covered with snow and everything the appearance as she saw in the vision adjourned till night Monday night preaching by Pole from Mat 226 first clause 5th verse adjourned till tomorrow night

Tuesday night 15th preaching by Poole from Luke 236 adjourned till tomorrow night

Wednesday night 16th preaching by Poole from first Peter 4 6 8 ver when Christian doven was received for baptism deferred till tomorrow night

Thursday night 17th preaching by Poole from acts 16 clause 30 ver when Sarah hart was received for baptism deferred till tomorrow night

Friday night 18th preaching by Poole from first Corinthians 5 c 19 ver adjourned till tomorrow 11 o’clock

Saturday morning Jan 19th 11 o’clock preaching by Poole & mat 2c 9th ver today we had a refreshing the presence of the lord when Samuel Dalbey was received for baptism adjourned till night

Saturday night preaching by carter from st john 25 ver adjourned till tomorrow 11 o’clock

Sunday morning Jan 20th preaching by Poole from revelations 12thc 12th ver when Noma Doron and Martha Hart were received for baptism and immediately repaired to the water where Christian doven, Henrietta Dalbey, Samuel Dalbey and Martha hart were ed in the likeness of the savior by Elder carter day the lady of the vision took when her the name deceased husband adjourned till night

Sunday night preaching by Poole from




A conversation which was similar and so interest

That she was all absorbed with his conversation when all of a sudden her deceased husband feared the speaker manner was so pleasant and his language so attracting so much so that she would have been glad he would have stayed and heard him but in the midst of her anxiety she awoke and in the morning related her vision to her daughter in law. at the above time & place Elder Poole preached the 21st chapter st Luke catter clause 37th ver adjourned till tomorrow night at the school house Thurs. night Jan 10 preaching by Poole from March adjourned till Friday night Friday night Jan 11 preaching by AC Blankenship adjourned till Saturday 11 o’clock Saturday Jan 12th preaching by Poole from Matt when all felt mat it was good to believe we were permitted to sit together in a heavenly in Christ Jesus and to have our spiritual adjourned till night Saturday night preaching by Poole from genesis 3 9 ver this evening the lady of the vision named above attended the meeting and at first sight recognized minister Poole as the man introduced to her by her deceased husband adjourned to 11 tomorrow Sunday Morning 11 o’clock Jan 13th preaching by Poole from revelations 3 c 20 ver our house was crowded the saints were edified mourners comforted and sinners convicted of sin adjourned till night Sunday night preaching by Poole from john when Margaret Daugherty was received for baptism adjourned till tomorrow Monday Jan 14th 11 o’clock preaching by Poole from




The duties of the deacons are to assist the pastor by council & prayer in all matters which relate to the welfare of the church to be trustees of the church property to visit & council the poor as the almoners of the church to take charge of the communion service arrange the table distribute the bread and wine from the hands of the pastor make proper arrangements for & assist at baptisms and in the pastors absence to conduct meeting, prayer & conference the number of deacons of a church should never be less than three and no more than seven they may be chosen from a specific or an unlimited term of office of them to act as trustees & report quarterly the state of the treasury

On motions

When a motion is made & seconded it is then in the possession of the house & not till then it is to be put into writing 4 the house order requests it 2 when a motion is made * seconded it shall be stated by the speaker or being in writing it shall be handed to the chair & read aloud by the clerk before debated 3 after a motion is stated by the speaker or read by the clerk it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the house but may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or an amendment =

            Of decorum & debate

  1. When any member is about to speak or deliver any matter to the house he shall rise from his seat & respectfully address himself to the speaker & shall combine himself to the question under debate & avoid personality 2 when two or more members happen to arise at once then



Speaker shall name the member is first to speak 3 no member shall speak more than twice to the same question without leave of the house unless he be the mover of the matter pending in which case he shall be permitted to speak in reply but not until every member has choosing to speak shall have spoken 4 every member who shall be in the house when the question is put shall give their vote unless the house for special reasons shall excuse them any member requesting to be excused from voting may make a verbal statement of the reasons for such request & the question shall be without further debate.             Final decision of the house A majority of the members presented shall rule in all cases except if two viz in a reception and exclusion of members the former by unanimously consent the latter by a majority of all the members or thee fourths of the members presented to latter vote taken by ballot.

            Reception of members

1st disciples of Christ should be received by baptism to the fellowship and privileges of the church the ground of the church fellowship is evidence of real piety of this evidence the church is the divinely appointed judge every candidate should I some way give evidence to all the member of the church that they are born of Christ may be obtained by personal conversation by them relate their spiritual before the church every church member has a right to require satisfactory evidence of the applicants piety before they extend to them

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