January 2, 1896 Anna Hayes was received for baptism
January 3 Lou Daugherty was received for baptism then was dismissed with benediction Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
The Muncie Baptist Church met January 4, 1896 at 230 o’clock prayer and conference meeting organized for business minutes of previous meeting read and approved the building committee made a statement they had given their notes for $500 that those who had not paid their subscription could have longer time and the note is due and their subscriptions not paid the church appointed a committee consisting of brethren JA Bantz FP Dalbey and JA Bantz to collect the back subscription a committee were appointed to circulate subscription paper to provide for the pastors salary and other expenses of the church consisting of brethren VR Dalbey S Wade Dr. JT Towey and JA Bantz Church granted letters of dismissal to EW wright and Maud wright at their request. Treasurer made a report which was received by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP church clerk
services were conducted over Sunday preaching by brother Spainous at 3:00 PM repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates
Frank Rankin Julia Wysup Lou Daugherty Anna Hayes S Wade Florence Jones and Betty Voorhees
at the close of 7 o’clock services the door of the church was opened when Roy Bantz and arch heart were received for baptism than the hand of church fellowship was extended to the new members as above-named then was dismissed with benediction brother Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
The Muncie Baptist church met February 1, 1896 preaching by our pastor minutes of previous meetings read and approved the committee on collection back subscriptions on building reported collected five dollars were continued also finance committee on church expenses reported had done nothing were continued the treasures reported received church voted to adjourned to meet Saturday, February 15 at 230 o’clock for the purpose of devising plans for collecting back subscriptions on church building. Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP church clerk
The Muncie Baptist Church met April 4, 1896 preaching by our pastor minutes of the meeting read and approved the committee on
back subscription on building were continued with Rev. JR Spainous added to assist committee on Church Finance not present a report were continued and committee were appointed consisting of brethren JA Bantz VR Dalbey and Sister Sally Bantz to confer with those members who have been walking disorderly and violating the rules of the church government by dancing and report at her next regular meeting treasurer reported $1.72 in treasure which was received sister MJ Hopper Church Treas. on the account of ill health centre resignation which was accepted brother SJ Wade was elected treasurer by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
the Muncie Baptist Church met May 2, 1896 preaching by our pastor minutes of previous meeting read and approved the committee on Church Finance not ready to report were continued the committee on back subscription on building reported those visited reported favourably with the exception of Deacon CE Jones and John McFarland report received and committee continued the question of suing them was laid over until next meeting
Brother George Murphy was granted a letter of dismissal at his own request the committee appointed to visit and talk to these members of whom had been reported as walking disorderly reported had not discharge their duty as yet were continued. By notion adjourned Rev. Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
on Sunday, May 17, 1896 at 3 o’clock repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates Frank Bantz Ray Bantz and James Parker met at 8 o’clock preaching by brother Spainous when Dr. T Towey and his wife Molly E Towey and their daughters Miss Bertha Towey united with the church by letter the hand of church fellowship was extended to the candidates that were baptized as above-named glorious good meeting then was dismissed with benediction
the Muncie Baptist church met June 6, 1896 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved the question was taken who and disclosed regarding CE Jones and John McFarland subscription on church building which they refused to pay the church ordered that legal steps be taken to collect the same church voted to exclude Thomas Jones and Frank Hartson and Betty her own request the church granted a letter of dismissal Sister Lenny Swain to unite with the Urbana Baptist Church by motion adjourned
The Muncie Baptist Church did not meet on July 4, 1896 it being her regular meeting day with the close of services on Sunday the following day church was called to order and the clerk instructed to prepare a letter to be sent to the Bloomfield Association by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP church clerk
the Muncie Baptist Church met August 1, 1896 preaching by our pastor minutes of the church read and approved the letter to the Association was read and adopted messengers were appointed to the Association as follows our pastor Rev. JR Spainous and brethren JA Bantz FP Dalbey BJ Wade Sister Rose Dalbey Bertha Towey and Sally Bantz by motion adjourned brother Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
the Muncie Baptist Church met September 5, 1896 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved a finance committee were appointed consisting of brethren JA Bantz VR Dalbey SJ Wade and sisters Lena littler and Minerva Wade no further business appearing motion adjourned Rev. JR Spain or moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
the Muncie Baptist Church met October 3, 1896 preaching by our pastor minutes of church read and approved no business appearing by a motion adjourned Rev. JR Spain or moderator FP Dalbey church clerk new paragraph
The Muncie Baptist church met October 31, 1896 this included the November meeting preaching by brother Spainous minutes of previous meeting read and approved and committee was appointed to solicit pastor’s salary consisting of sisters Sally Bantz Mary Williams and Brother Samuel Dalbey by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
the Muncie church met December 5, 1896 Minister of the previous meetings and approved preaching by our pastor soliciting committee made a partial report which was received and committee continued the janitors time expires with this meeting the committee were appointed by our pastor to procure a Sexton consisting of brethren SJ Wade Dr. JT Towey and FP Dalbey also a committee were appointed to collect pastor’s salary consisting of Dr. JT Towey FP Dalbey and Sister Rose Dalbey by motion adjourned Rev. JP Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk