Muncie Baptist Church met January 22, 1887 prayer and conference meeting minutes of church read and approved. Brother Lynch appointed moderator. Church instructed clerk to report Brother S Gleason to come and immerse candidates that were awaiting the ordinance according to institution on 20 February after 11 o’clock services the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates – Dickie Watts, John Hardy, Dickie McBroom, and Fannie Murphy. It then was dismissed with benediction. FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met February 26, 1887 prayers and conference meeting minutes of church read and approved Brother Lynch appointed moderator church unanimously voted brother James a Bantz to preach once per month brother Samuel uninviting with another church of different faith and order was excluded by motion. Meeting adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met March 26, 1889 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved. Church instructed clerk to write to brother Gleason to send the preacher from East to visit us. By motion adjourned. Brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met April 23, 1887. Divine services organize for business. Minutes of church read and approved. Church voted to invite Brother Parsons to visit us and preach on the Sabbath. By motion adjourned. James a Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church held no meeting in May owing to the inclemency of the weather. FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met June 23, 1887. Devotional exercises. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. As no business appeared by motion adjourned. Brother Lynch moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met July 23, 1887. Devotional exercises. Minutes of church read and approved. Church voted to call Brother James a Bantz as pastor twice per month for one-year salary hundred dollars also voted that we send a letter to the Bloomfield Association meeting at Paris. Delegates were appointed as follows JA Bantz FP Dalbey and sisters Rose Dalbey by motion adjourned. Brother Lynch moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met August 27, 1887 devotional exercise minutes of church read and approved Sister Betty Faulkner was appointed a committee to collect four dollars as our dividend to help furnish a room for the ladies that attend Shertleff College as each church in the association agreed to pay their proportional part toward furnishing a room that the same Bloomfield might be written above the door of that room. By motion adjourned brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met September 24, 1887 devotional exercises organized for business minutes of church read and approved. Sister Betty Faulkner committee on raising our part of the money toward furnishing a room at Shertleff College reported collected $.65. Clerk was instructed to write brother read to hold a series of meetings with us if his time was not all taken during the winter. By motion adjourned. Brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk