Walker’s point Church met Saturday, January 1, 1859. Spent some time in singing and prayer. All business transferred when Brother Elliott came in and gave us a short exhortation. Adjourned tomorrow at 11 o’clock new and Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor as the services of our pastor has nearly expired. Resolved that brethren Harrison Stearns and Isaac Littler be a committee to engage a pastor the present year and reports at our next meeting for business. As tomorrow is a day appointed by the Gen. Association especially for fasting and prayer. Resolved that we meet here on tomorrow for that purpose, adjourned tomorrow 10 o’clock
Monday 10 o’clock preaching by our pastor the church then spent the greater part of the day in social conversation, singing and prayer then was dismissed in peace. C Elliott moderator – Isaac Littler church clerk
Walker’s point Church met Saturday, February 5, 1859. Opened by praise and prayer. Brother Joseph Jones was appointed moderator; the church was then organized for business. I called for the reading of the Journal of the preceding days. It was read and approved
2 called for the report of committee that was to revise the rule of order they handed in the rules as revised * the committee was discharged but as there was not a majority of the members presented its adoption was deferred 3 called for the report of the committee that was to engage a pastor they report their business not finished their report was received & committee continued adjourned
Joseph jones mod Isaac littler church Clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday march the 5 1859 opened by praise & prayer brother j jones was appointed moderator the church was then organized for business 1st called for the reading of the journal of the preceding day it was read & approved 2 called for the report of committee that was to engage a pastor they report that brother carter will preach one Saturday & Sabbath in each month for the sum of one hundred dollars or one Saturday & two Sabbaths in each month for one hundred & fifty dollar report received & committee discharged 3rd resolved that this matter be deferred 4th a charge was brought before the church by brother R A Jones against brother Richard M Stearns, for disorderly walk & non attendance to church but as the accused was not presented his father requested that the accused by presented with a copy of the charges against him that he might be prepared for trial at our next church meeting
5 there are 2 of our church members James Flaugher & Jane Lowman that we know nothing of resolved that we drop their names from our church record 6th brother Samuel zortman brother r a jones & Sarah e jones his wife request letters of dismissal from this church resolved that we grant them.
Letters in full fellowship 7th the adoption of the rule of order deferred until there is a majority of the church members present adjourned new Joseph Jones moderator Isaac Littler church clerk
Walker’s point Church met Saturday, April 2, 1859
No business transacted. Spent some time in singing and prayer then dispersed
Walker’s point Church met Saturday, 2 May 1859 spent some time in singing and prayer all business deferred until our next meeting adjourned new Walker’s point Church met Saturday, June 4, 1859. Preaching by elder Edwards of praise city the church was then organized for business first appointed Joseph Jones moderator the journal of the preceding day was read and approved the trial of Brother Richard M Stearns was taken up and attended to which resulted in his exclusion from the church for a disorderly walk and non-attendance to church. Adjourned Joseph Jones moderator Isaac Littler church clerk
Walker’s point Church met Saturday, July 2, 1859 no business transacted. Adjourned
Walker’s point Church met Saturday, August 6, 1859. Opened by praise and prayer. First appointed Joseph Jones moderator. The church was then organized for business. Second of the journal of the preceding day was called for, was read & approved. Third the letter to the Association was read and approved. Fourth resolved that we send as messengers to the Association brethren John littler, Harrison Stearns, Seneca Stearns, Joseph Jones & Isaac Littler. Resolved that we give $1.25 for printing minutes. Adjourned. Joseph Jones moderator – J Littler church clerk