Walkers Point Church met Saturday Jan. 7th 1855
no preaching spent some time in exhortation & prayer adjourned till tomorrow 11 o’clock
Sunday morning 8th
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by our pastor adjourned in peace joseph jones Clerk
Walkers Point Church met Saturday Feb. 3rd 1855
preaching by Elder G.W. carter followed by Blankenship called for the peace of the church found in peace adjourned till candlelight. Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by our pastor followed by carter adjourned to 11 o’clock tomorrow
Sunday morning 4th
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by both ministers adjourned to candlelight met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter followed by Blankenship adjourned till tomorrow
Monday morning 5th
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter followed by our pastor adjourned to candlelight met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by carter adjourned to meet at brother jones’ 11 o’clock tomorrow
(August 15 1952 I think this is beautiful)
Tuesday Morning 6th
Met pursuant to adjournment. Elder Carter read the 3rd chapter of Malachi. Commented on the whole chapter but confined his remarks more particularly to the tenth 16_17_18 verses followed by Blankenship & J Jones when the brethren & sisters presented seemed to have brought all their likes into the store house & they solemnly opened the windows of heaven & poured out such a blessing that our souls were filled wo overflowing & to magnify the name of the Lord when our minds seems to run together like drops of water that could not be separated & were made to rejoice in the prophet of heaven & a glorious immortality & to pray God to have mercy upon sinners. Adjourned to meet at the school house at candle light.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by Carter when Mary Jones Priscilla McCarty & Ann Cast were received for Baptism. Their baptism deferred till Sunday. Adjourned to meet ½ 11 tomorrow
Wednesday 7th
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by Carter. Adjourned to candlelight. Met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by Carter followed by Blankenship when Jone Loman was received for baptism & several came forward for prayers. Adjourned to ½ 11 tomorrow
Thursday 8th.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Carter followed by Blankenship. Adjourned to candlelight. Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by Carter when Natalie Harris & Amanda Wallace were received for Baptism. Their baptism deferred. Adjourned to meet at Brother Jones’ at 11 o’clock.
Walkers Point Church met Saturday mar 3rd 1855
preaching by G.W. carter followed by Blankenship then attended to the business of the church 1st resolved whereas Rachel Littler has declared non fellowship with us by joining with the Campbellites that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from her & that she be no more of us 2nd Elder Carter of Goshen made a request asking help to aid in setting a difficulty in that church to take place on Saturday 21st request granted & brethren h Stearns s Stearns & joseph jones be our committee 3rd brethren john littler Senior s Stearns & joseph jones be a committee to engage pastor & report on tomorrow then adjourned to candlelight met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter followed by Blankenship adjourned to 11 o’clock Sunday
Sunday morning 4th met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter followed Elder haris of middle fork church when the report of the committee called for our committee made the following report – we have conferred with out former pastor AC Blankenship & have engaged him for the ensuing year for fifty dollars for one fourth of his time all of which is herewith submitted & administered the supper then report received & committee discharged. Adjourned to candle light met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Harris followed by Blankenship adjourned in peace
AC Blankenship mod joseph jones Clerk
Friday 9th
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Brother Stinson a Congressionalist Minister of Ohio from the 6ver of the 85th psalms wit thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee when brethren Blankenship, Carter, Jones each gave a short exhortation & prayer when the lord truly did revive us again & we had a season of rejoicing & each felt that it was good to wait upon food & to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, adjourned to candlelight at the school house.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by Carter when deep solemnity prevailed the entire congregation. Adjourned to 11o’clock tomorrow.
Saturday morning 10th met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Hyram Ashmore a Cumberland Presbyterian followed by Blankenship. Adjourned to candle light.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship followed by carter. Adjourned to 10 o’clock Sabbath.
Sunday morning 11th met according adjournment. Spent one hour in prayer & exhortations. Preaching by Carter followed by Blankenship when Eveline Core was received for baptism & immediately repaired to the water the ice being previously cut away where five of the candidates were immersed by Elder Carter. Adjourned to candle light.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by H Ashmore followed by Blankenship exhortation by Carter & Stinson some same forward for prayers took a collection when it was announced that the meeting must come to a close when Brother Carter made a short exhortation to sinners declaring that they had been faithfully warned of their danger when all joined in singing ‘Jerusalem My Happy Home’ and gave the pasting hand prayer offered by Brother Stinson. Dismissed in peace. Joseph Jones Clerk.
walkers point church met sat march 31rd 1855 preaching by brother parker of little vermillion followed by Blankenship
first brother Hugh Wiley proposed that we meet oftener than once a month for prayer & social converse there fore resolved that we purchase a bible & concordance & our clerk to make the purchase & take charge of the same
2nd resolved that we take a collection in tomorrow for that purpose adjourned till Sabbath 11 o’clock
Sabbath April 1st met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship took a collection of $6.13 cents then immediately repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was to Natalie Harris & Amanda Wallace returned thanks & dismissed
Joseph jones clerk
Walkers point church met may 5th 1855 preaching by B haris of middle fork church when Samuel zortman was received by relation
1st the clerk read a letter from the corresponding secretary of the American bible union & suggested that we Send up a contribution to aid in this noble cause on motion & second
2nd resolved that we take a public collection on Sabbath for that purpose
3rd resolved that our Saturday meetings for the summer begin at three o’clock
4th Brother Hans requested help in the ordination of a Deacon in the Middle Fork Church. Request granted & Brother H Stearns, S Stearns, John Littler Senior & Joseph Jones were appointed delegates. Adjourned to 11 tomorrow
Sunday Morning 6th of May 1855 Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship took a collection of $6.00 and 60 cents. Adjourned in peace
A C Blankenship Mod Joseph Jones Clerk
Walkers Point Church met Saturday June 9th 1855 Preaching by Elder B Harris then organized for business by appointing Brother Harris Mod 1st Resolved whereas Henry Wiley has declared non fellowship with us, by writing with the Campbellites that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from him & that he be no more of us.
2nd by request we release Elder A C Blankenship from the pastoral care of this church.
3rd appointed Brethren John Littler Sr. & Seneca Stearns a committee to engage another pastor & report at our next meeting. Adjourned till tomorrow 11 o’clock
Sunday Morning June 3rd 1855 Met pursuant to the adjournment preaching by Elder Hans attended to the ordinances of the supper adjourned in peace B Hans Mod Joseph Jones Clerk
Walkers point church met sat July 11st 1855 preaching by seaburn of from judges & chapter latter clause of the 18th verse mod organised for business by appointing Elder carter
1st our committee reported that they had conferred with Elder carter & he was willing to serve as our pastor report received & committee discharged
2nd after some consultation resolved that we call Elder carter to serve us for an indefinite period then adjourned to 11 tomorrow
Sunday morning July 12
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Elder seaburn from James 3rd chapter 17th verse adjourned to 4 o’clock
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Elder seaburn from st john 2 chap past of the 15th verse Simon son of jones loves’ thoue me adjourned in peace
Elder carter mod joseph jones clerk
walkers point church met Saturday august 4th 1855 preaching by carter no business then adjourned in peace
gw carter mod joseph jones Clerk
Walkers Point Church met Sat Sept 1st /55 Preaching by Elder Carter when Benjamin Farris & Mary his wife was received by letter
1st the clerk writes our letter to the association & present the same on tomorrow for examination & the following brethren to bare the same to wit J Jones, H Stearns, J Littler, S Stearns and Samuel Fortman our contribution for Minutes $150
2nd A request was made by Brethren & Sisters residing near the Morehead School house in Vermillion County Illinois for help to organise them into an independent church. Their request granted & the following brethren to be our delegation – S Stearns, J Littler, John Littler Senior, Samuel Fortman & J Jones adjourned to 11 tomorrows.
Sunday Morning Sept 2nd Preaching by Carter then called for the reading of the letter – The clerk read the letter which was received – then attendance to the ordinance of the supper then adjourned G W Carter Mod Joseph Jones Clerk
Walker Point Church met Saturday November the 3rd 1855. Preaching by G.W. Carter
1st Resolved that we make an effort to build a house for divine worship. 2nd Resolved that we have a building committee of five & that the following brethren compose that five: Harrison Stearns, Seneca Stearns, John Littler & Joseph Jones & that they be in with
Full authority to collect funds & take pledges for give a location make contracts & superintend the building
3rd resolved that give full authority to Deacon joseph jones & accommodation to go abroad and collect funds from our sister churches and other places where he may deem it expedient
4th by request have grant sister e c jones a letter of dismissal adjourned in peace
Elder G.W. carter mod joseph jones clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday December 13th 1855 preaching by Elder carter when a door was opened for the reception of members when MaryAnn Harvard was received for baptism
2nd the report of the building committee called for when the following report was submitted – your committee believe to make the following reporting that we have had two subscriptions before the public and have met with liberal souls and a hardy response in out enterprise and we have been enabled to take pledges to the amount of eight hundred and seventy-two dollars all of which is respectfully submitted
3rd a brother moved that we build which motion was seconded after some discussion we resolved to build
4th resolved that our committee procure a lot for said house and one for buying ground and report at the next meeting
5th resolved that Harrison Stearns be treasurer of this committee adjourned to candle light
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter adjourned to 11 o’clock Sabbath
Sunday Morning 11 o’clock Dec 2nd
Church met pursuant to aforementioned Preaching by Elder Carter then adjourned to ½ past three o’clock and immediately repaired to the water when the ordinance of Baptism was administered by E G.W. Carter then dispersed. ½ past 3 o’clock met pursuant to aforementioned Elder Carter gave an exhortation and administered the supper and adjourned. Elder G.W. Carter Mod Joseph Jones Clerk