The Muncie Baptist church met February 26, 1893 devotional exercises organized for business by appointing Rev. SK Fuson as moderator minutes of previous meeting read and approved church voted the building committee report to sell or dispose of the old building church voted a call meeting Wednesday evening March 8 for the purpose of receiving the report of the building committee but owing to the inclemency of the weather there was no meeting Brother Fuson remained and preached during the week and Brother Bantz preached on Wednesday evening. Meeting closed for a few days when Brother Bantz and brother Hughes continued the meeting for two evenings then closed on account of bad weather during the series of meetings 12 came and united with the church three by relation and nine for baptism FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met March 25, 1893 devotional exercises Brother Bantz appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved the pastor committee reported had written several letters of inquiry Brother Bantz stated Brother Puckett of Indiana would preach for us the first Sunday in April the church could use their judgment in calling him as pastor building committee reported $18 pledged on new church building and would advertise old building for sale by posting up noticed said building would be sold the highest bidder on Saturday, April 23, 1893 between the hours of four and 5:00 PM



Church accepted TO Hughes resignation us sexton brother Chart Wimphanous elected his successor treasurer reported church $20.37 by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist Church met April 22, 1893 Rev. SF Gleason talked from the Scripture brother DW Hughes offered prayers for the covenant and strength of the church organized for business. Brother SF Gleason appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved pastoral committee reported procured no pastor as of yet committee continued by motion to adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk.

According to previous arrangements the old church building was sold to the highest bidder VR Dalbey being the purchases $225 the amount paid FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist Church met May 27, 1893 devotional exercises led by brother Bantz brother DW Hughes appointed moderator minutes of previous meeting read and approved church voted Brother a Lafflin presided of the BYPV brother Lynch reported as secretary building committee church granted letters of this mission to Nellie Stallings and Graves church withdrew the hand of fellowship from W Jeffries and wife for joining another church of different faith in order treasurer reported church for various objects $18 FP Dalbey church clerk.






Meeting was conducted over Sunday by Brothers DW Hughes and JA Bantz after 11 o’clock services repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates determine Dalbey Arthur Hughes Lester Hopper Charles Bantz Allie McFarland Mary Watts Israel Ramsey Rhoden Ramsey then was dismissed with benediction at evening services the hand of church fellowship was extended to those above-named church took sacrament sung a hymn and went out FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met June 24, 1893 devotional exercise organize for business Brother DW Hughes appointed moderator minutes of previous meeting read and approved treasurer reported church on hand $16.80 by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met July 22, 1898 devotional exercise organize for business Brother AL Stearns appointed moderator minutes of previous meeting read and approved the letter to the Association read and adopted delegates were appointed as follows DW Hughes JA Bantz sister’s day Sarah Dalbey Sadie Hopper Hannah Wise Minerva Wade HP Dalbey. Treasurer reported paid out $9.50 church on hand $14.80 by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk



August 1893 no meeting.

September 1893 no meeting.

The Muncie Baptist Church met October 21, 1893 devotional meeting brother Thomas Hughes appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved church invited brother JA Bantz to preach Sunday evening treasurer reported paid out $4.24 church Dr. $11.08 by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist Church met November 25, 1893 devotional meeting preaching by brother Kent organized for business brother Kent appointed as moderator minutes of church read and approved treasurer reported received five dollars’ church Dr. $14.08 by motion to adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist Church met December 23, 1893 devotional exercises Brother DW Hughes appointed as moderator minutes of previous meeting read and approved church granted sister Mahala Vincent a letter of dismissal. Brother DW Hughes offered his resignation on building committee which was received. Church voted to call special meeting next Wednesday evening treasurer reported church $8.75. By motion adjourned. FP Dalbey church clerk

owing to the inclemency of the weather church did not meet on Wednesday evening.






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