Muncie Baptist church met January 18 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved the church held a series of meetings conducted by our pastor resulting in addition one by relation and three for baptism treasurer reported subscription paid in $14 collection three dollars cash on hand $19.92 paid to pastor $28.90 paid to Sexton $4.75 call $1.50 coal oil $.45 mats $.35 total paid out $35.35 balance remaining in Treasury $1.59 report received by motion adjourned Rev. LF Bailey moderator

the Muncie Baptist church met February 22, 1890 preaching by brother Bailey prayers and conference meeting organize for business minutes of previous meeting read and approved the doors of the church was opened for the reception of members visiting brethren were invited to a seat in Council with us Rev. JW Cartwright accepted treasurers report do our pastor including this trip $16.56 due Sexton $2.50 report received church voted that a list of the names of non-resident or delinquent members be kept on record in the church book separate in order that we may be fairly represented in the Association these action to take place at her regular meeting in May meeting was continued over Sunday till Monday evening resulting in two additions Minnie Claypool for baptism and Frannie Dalbey relation then was dismissed.




The first Baptist Church of Muncie met March 22, 1890 preaching by Rev. LF Gailey conference meeting the minutes of previous meeting not at hand the clerk gave a verbal statement no unfinished business appearing church granted Brother Shelby callings a letter of dismissal at his own request by motion adjourned LF Gailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

The Muncie Baptist Church met April 26, 1890 preaching by Brother Kendall owing to the inclemency of the weather the clerk was not permitted to be present within minutes of previous meeting consequently there was no business transacted.

The Muncie Baptist Church met May 24, 1890 preaching by Brother Gailey prayer and conference meeting minutes of previous meeting read and approved church took action to keep the names of non-resident and non-attendant members on a separate page that the church may be fairly represented in the Association and that those members will be granted letters of dismissal if they call for them owing satisfactory evidence of their Christian lives their names are as follows

  • Ella Flaugher
  • Abby Copeland
  • Ely Barcas
  • WD Noble
  • GN Spaclimous
  • Alex Flaugher
  • Nellie Stallings
  • Rudolph Copeland
  • Minnie Roggers Aida Duncan
  • Clara Knox
  • Harvy Redden
  • Johnson Doggett
  • Daisy Babbs




Church excluded the following names Anna Clancy for her unchristian conduct and non-attendance John Hayes and wife and Fremont Hayes for uniting with another church of different faith in order John Hardy and Harry Lafflin for their unchristian conduct a committee was appointed to visit on brothers Dickie McBroom and Dickie Watts and Sister Georgia Benson for charges brought against them for unchristian conduct and violations of the rules of the church committee consisting of brother and Willis right FP Dalbey and Sister ML Claypool

brother LF Bailey offered his resignation as pastor to take place the last of August and the church to consider the propriety of accepting or reflection it’s and reports at her next regular meeting treasurer reported $18.50 back on pastor salary and $15.57 in the treasury remaining concert and that amount was voted to be expended as the church sees proper by motion adjourned Rev. LF Bailey moderator

meeting was continued over Sunday and after 11 o’clock services repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the candidate Minnie Claypool and Maud Knight then was dismissed with benediction at evening services the hand of church fellowship was extended to the candidates as above named then was dismissed with benediction



Muncie Baptist Church met June 21, 1890 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved Brother Bailey exchanged pulpits with brother Isaac Bailey of Walcott and the committee to wait on Brother Dickie McBroom Dickie Watts and Sister Georgia Benson asked them to the church and make proper acknowledgements for their unchristian conduct they failing to come and answer to the charges sought against them were excluded church accepted brother Bailey’s resignation with all goodwill toward our dear brother church instructed the clerk to write a letter to the Bloomfield Association treasurer reported which was received by motion adjourned brother Isaac Bailey acted as moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

Muncie Baptist Church met July 26, 1890 preaching by Brother Gailey minutes of previous meeting read and approved delegates were appointed to the Association as follows Rev. LF Gailey DW Hughes JT Claypool James a Bantz AL Stearns FP Dalbey Sister ML Claypool and Rosa Dalbey.

Treasurer reported due pastor $26.48 sexton $2.50 total $28.98 report received. Dr. Willis Wright was granted a letter of dismissal at his own request by motion adjourned to meet August 23, 1890 at 230 o’clock Rev. LF Gailey mod FP Dalbey church clerk







The Muncie Baptist church met August 21, 1890 preaching by brother Bailey and conference meeting minutes of church read and approved church granted letters of dismissal to JH Reemtsen and Eleanor Reemtsen and Lawrence Reemtsen and at their own request treasurer reported to pastor $42.56 report received by motion adjourned Rev. LF Bailey moderator

Muncie Baptist church met September 26, 1890 the clerk not present Rev. JB Porter was chosen moderator and James a Bantz clerk pro tem the question of pastor came before the church and brother asked Dalbey suggested Brother J Hughes H Stearns and JA Bantz as a committee to confer with brother and for their services to report on the following evening the treasurer made her monthly report and find we owe brothers Lynch and Stearns three dollars and $2.50 due the Sexton nothing further coming before the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in October at 230 o’clock.

The Muncie Baptist church to met at call September 28, 1890 for the purpose of calling a pastor for the ensuing year committee reported Rev. JB Porter could be procured for the ensuing year once per month for $150 or twice per month for $250 the report received an committee discharged church called Brother Porter twice per month salary to be paid monthly finance committee were appointed to raise the necessary funds to pay the salary consisting of brother and Hughes



The Muncie Baptist Church met October 25, 1890 prayers and conference meeting minutes of previous meeting read and approved finance committee made a partial report which was received and committee continued treasurer reported indebtedness $14.63 report received sexton was continued in office by motion adjourned to meet November 22 at 230 o’clock Rev. JB Porter moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

The Muncie Baptist Church met November 22, 1890 devotional exercises minutes of the previous meeting read and approved finance committee reported about one half of the subscriptions raised report received and committee continued treasurer reported paid pastor $7.40 total received and paid out $11.73 indebtedness $12.60.

The peace of the church was called for and finding brother and sister Claypool had absented themselves from Sabbath school and church as active workers committee were appointed to investigate their reasons for so doing and if they were offended to being about reconciliation if possible committee consisting of brethren JA Bantz FP Dalbey a Stearns and Sister Mary Stearns by motion adjourned to meet Saturday before the fourth Sunday in December at 230 o’clock Rev. JB Porter moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.





The Muncie Baptist Church met December 27, 1890 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved finance committee reported their work and not finished and were continued treasurer received $36.38 including festival money report received by motion adjourned Rev. JB Porter moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

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