Walker’s point church met January 27, 1877 opened with singing and prayer organize for business by appointing brother age Stearns moderator minutes of church read and received reports of committee reported received past money and pledges for the balance on back payment and also pledges for the required to pursue a pastor for the ensuing year report received an committee discharged appointments of committee financial committee was appointed to stand for the ensuing year consisting of brethren CE Jones and JA Bantz by motion adjourned other age Stearns moderator knew I Walker’s point church met February 23, 1877 opened by prayer and singing organize for business by appointing CE Jones clerk pro tem Minister of church read and received no further business appearing before the House by motion adjourned CE Jones the clerk
Walker point church met April 21, 1877 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and received no business appearing by motion adjourned after 11 o’clock services on Sabbath the ordinance of baptism was administered to Wyatt Spaclemire then was dismissed with benediction CB seals moderator
Afternoon services were conducted as follows Brother church McKee at 5 o’clock and Elder at 7:30 o’clock then was dismissed in peace brother church McKee moderator
Walker’s point church met August 18, 1877 divine services were conducted by brother Carter and brother church McKee no business appearing we were dismissed by benediction services were continued over Sabbath.
Walker’s point church met September 29, 1877 divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved new business the church granted brother seals his request of resignation he stated that his time was all occupied at Chrisman brother Brown being present was appointed to the chair appointment of committees by motion committee of three or appointed consisting of brethren as Stearns CE Jones and FP Dalbey to procure a pastor for the remaining three months and report as early as possible by motion adjourned
met Saturday evening at lamp lighting divine services after which the committee was called on to report in reference to a pastor the committee conferred with Brother Brown and reported his services could be had once per month for the remaining three months’ report read an committee discharged by an action of the church brother Brown was called as pastor for the time as above mentioned then was dismissed with benediction meeting was continued for several days conducted.
Walker’s point Church met May 26, 1877. Divine services. Organize for business. Minutes of church read and approved. Brother seals requested a leave of absence from his next appointment by action of the church was granted his request. By motion adjourned. At the close of the 11 o’clock services on Sabbath Sarah Swain was received for baptism. Brother Hughes conducted a 4 o’clock service then was dismissed with benediction. CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met June 23, 1877. The Divine services. Organize for business by appointing Brother church McKee moderator. Minutes of church read and received. It was voted that the clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Association by motion adjourned brother church McKee moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met July 25, 1877. Divine services.
- Organize for business.
- Minutes of church read and approved.
- Unfinished business, association letter read amended and received.
- New business, delegates to the Association were appointed as follows – Harrison Stearns and wife, James A Bantz and wife, FP Dalbey and brother church McKee. By motion adjourned
after 11 o’clock services the ordinance of baptism was administered to Sister Sarah Swain
By a reverent CB seals and JA Brown during which time additions were added to the church as follows by relation – Bruce Bailey, Brother David Hughes and wife. Candidates for baptism – Sypphrona Swain, Ella Hughes, Rudolph Copeland and Maggie Hayes. Business was still transacted as follows: brother David Hughes stating that he had been a licensed minister in the Methodist denomination and coming to us still felt it his duty to preach the gospel by an action of the church was granted license the church also appointed and ordained as deacons JA Bantz, CE Jones and FP Dalbey. No more business appearing was dismissed with benediction. Rev. JA Brown moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met October 27, 1877. Divine services. Organize for business. Minutes of church read and approved. First new business by request articles of faith and rules of decorum were read. No more business appearing by motion adjourned
services were continued over Sabbath, after 11 o’clock services the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates – Rudolph Copeland and Ella Hughes then was dismissed by benediction. JA Brown moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met November 24, 1877 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and approved new business the deacons of the church were appointed a committee to procure a pastor for the ensuing year and reported our next regular church meeting by motion adjourned meeting was continued over Sabbath preaching by brother Brown then was dismissed with benediction Rev. JA Brown moderator
these minutes were lost but afterwards found
Walker’s point church met December 21, 1877 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and received committee on procuring a pastor for the ensuing year committee reported that Brother JA Brown of Bonneville would preach once per month for one year $430 report received an committee discharged the church voted that we try to raise the salary and let him know as early as possible by motion adjourned Rev. JA Brown moderator