Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday Feb. 6 1864 Preaching by our pastor no business adjourned tomorrow 11 o’clock Sunday 11o’clock Met pursuant to adjournment Preaching by our pastor the adjourned to lamp lighting Met pursuant to adjournment Preaching by our pastor adjourned Elder Griffing Moderator I littler church clerk
Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday mar 5 1864 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business no business adjourned
Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday may the 7th 1864 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1st a request was made by one of the brethren that sister Narcissa Conkey wished a letter of dismissal from this church and after some debate it was decided that the clerk should ascertain the facts in the case & report at our next regular meeting adjourned I littler church clerk
Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday June the 4 1864 Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business the report of the clerk was then called for deacon stearnes who had visited her made a report that the sister said she lived so far away that she not attend church and requested for a letter a motion + second was then made to grant the sister a letter but after considerable debate it was lost it was then agreed that the deacons and clerk should visit her and council with her and report at our next meeting adjourned Elder Griffing Moderator I littler church clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday July 2 1864
preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1st resolved that the brother clerk write a letter to the association and read the same at our next meeting 2nd by his request brother Hugh Wiley was dismissed by letter from this church 3rd resolved that brethren joseph jones, Harrison Stearns, Seneca Stearns, Isaac littler go as messengers to the association adjourned Isaac littler church Clerk
walkers point church met Saturday Aug. the 5 1864 preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business 1 the minutes of the last meeting was read amended + received 2 the letter to the association was called for was read received, adjourned
walkers point church met Saturday nov the 5th 1864 preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business the church then settled with her pastor for services the past year, adjourned j littler church Clerk