Walker’s point Church met Saturday, July 6, 1861

preaching by elder Griffing the church was then organized for business Brother H Stearns was appointed moderator and Seneca Stearns clerk pro tem resolved that the Brother clerk write a letter to the Association and read the same before the church at our next meeting adjourned


Walkers point church met Saturday Aug. 3rd 1861 preaching by brother N L griffing the church was then organized for business brother j jones was appointed moderator the letter to the association was then read & approved it was then resolved to Send brethren joseph jones Harrison Stearns Seneca Stearns john littler & Isaac littler as messenger to the association adjourned

Walkers point met Saturday sept 11th 1861 preaching by n l griffing the church was then organized for business brother j jones was appointed moderator no business the church then adjourned

Walkers point church met Saturday Oct. 3rd 1861 opened by praise & prayer the church was then organized for business brother j jones was appointed moderator it was then resolved that we call brethren l Griffing to take the pastoral charge of this church for one year for which we agree to pay him the sum of fifty dollars adjourned to Sabbath morning preaching by adjourned   Isaac littler Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday Nov. 2 1861 preaching by n l Griffing the church was then organized for business no business adjourned

Walkers point church het Saturday nov the 30th 1861 preaching by Elder n l Griffing no business adjourned Elder n l Griffing mod         Isaac littler church Clerk



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