January 1886 no business transacted
Muncie Baptist Church met February 27, 1886 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved the committee for convening with members that were charged of walking disorderly reported favourably report received an committee discharged. A committee was appointed to procure a pastor consisting of the deacon’s brother Stearns brother J Harvey and Brother Lynch. Also a committee appointed to procure a sexton for the ensuing year consisting of brethren asked Dalbey S Harris and A Stearns. Church granted letters to brother S Smith Sister Maria Smith sister Haith Smith by motion adjourned. Rev. Gleason moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
A series of meetings were held during the latter part of February and first of March conducted by Rev. RH Shafos and S Gleason requested in addition to the church by letter and seven for baptism of which the ordinance of baptism have been administered to five of the candidate to weighting the ordinance and one restored. Lunch called a meeting March 15, 1886 organize for business JA Bantz appointed moderator voted to give brother S Gleason call as pastor for six months half his time salary to be $10 a trip and car fare brother Mont Hayes requested a letter which was granted by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met April 10, 1886 according to call for the purpose of selecting a Pastor James Bantz was selected as moderator. A motion was then taken that we vote upon the rejection or selection of Brother McDaniel which resulted in his selection by 11 to 9 Brother McDaniel’s proposition to preach half of his time for $300 was rejected. A few remarks by moderator and general discussion then a motion was made to circulate a paper to see if $400 could be raised to pay brother McDaniel’s for whole time which carried. Then moderator talked of Brother Greer meeting then adjourned.
Muncie Baptist Church met at call meeting April 24, 1886 devotional exercises brother James a Bantz appointed moderator. The committee on subscription reported could not raise the amount required to call Brother McDaniel. Report received an committee continued with clerk appointed in brother townies place for resigning. The church voted to call Brother S Greer one half of his time for one-year salary $250 by motion adjourned. JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met May 22, 1886 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and approved. Committee to wait on brother Peter is not present a report was continued. Sister Mary Alice was granted a letter of dismissal at her own request. Sisters Lula Smith and Miriam Barcus were excluded for visiting with other churches of different faith in order. By motion adjourned. Brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met June 26, 1886 after a short discourse by brother Greer brother Towey was appointed moderator the clerk being absent W Lynch was appointed clerk pro tem. Unfinished business being in order and the committee W Lynch reported in regard to brother Peter’s sobriety and disorderly conduct report received an committee discharged. After a general discussion Brother peters asked the church to withdraw the hand of fellowship from him which the church did by a vote. By motion adjourned. W Lynch clerk pro tem
Muncie Baptist Church met March 27, 1886 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved committee for procuring a pastor reported written to Brother Gleason the brother stated he would be glad to come but other work to impairing him would prevent his coming as pastor. Brother Towey being instructed to write to Brother McDaniel of Logansport Indiana received a letter stating he would be here and preach for us the first Sunday in April report received an committee continued. Committee on procuring a Sexton for the ensuing year reported hired Perry Lewis for $30 but he giving up the office brother Russell accepted the offer report received an committee discharged. Brother Lynch was appointed a committee to confer with Brother peters in regard to falling into the old habit of disorderly conduct. By motion adjourned. Brother Towey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met September 29, 1886 devotional exercises. Minutes of church read and approved. Brother CE Jones committee to correspond with Brother Goodwin not present a report was continued Brother W Lynch one of the committee on repairing church building made a partial report had bought the material and paid part. Report received an committee continued. Church granted brother J Towey licensed to preach the gospel. A committee was appointed to procure a sexton consisting of brethren W Reims S Dalbey and W Lynch. By motion adjourned. Brother JA Bantz moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church October 1886 held no meeting on account of repairing church building.
Muncie Baptist Church met November 27, 1886 devotional exercise minutes of church read and approved church withdrew the hand of fellowship from sister Evelyn Cox and Enoch Goodwin for uniting with other churches of different faith in order. Committee on repairing house not prepared to make a final report were continued. Committee on pursuing a sexton reported had not hired one committee discharged and a new committee appointed consisting of brethren FP Dalbey Alfred Stearns and JA Bantz. A festival was to be held the following Wednesday night proceeds to go towards expense on house brother Isaac Bailey acted as moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Muncie Baptist Church met July 24, 1886 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved Brother CE Jones was appointed a committee to write to Brother Goodwin whether or not the report be true of him uniting with another church of different faith in order church voted to send a letter to the Bloomfield Association meeting at Danville and its fifth anniversary committee was appointed to raise money to repair church building consisting of brothers CE Jones W Lynch and Brother Hopper
delegates were appointed to attend the Association as follows Rev. S Greer Deacon S Dalbey and wife sisters Stearns Carolyn Russell SA Wimphanous, Betty Faulkner and brethren Towey and Lynch. Church voted weak cordially invite the Association to meet us next year. By motion adjourned. Brother Towey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met Sunday, August 22, 1886 divine services were conducted by Baker of Mattoon on behalf of the Mattoon church to raise funds to build a church house a collection of $45 was taken to assist him in his work. Brother Greer tendered his resignation as pastor which was very reluctantly accepted. He deeming it best to attend Shurtleff College the Church voted license to Brothers Jones a Bantz to preach the glad tidings of great joy. Brother Baker preached in the evening then was dismissed with benediction. FP Dalbey church clerk
Muncie Baptist Church met December 25, 1886 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved balance due on repairing house provided for an committee discharged committee on procuring a Sexton reported hired Sister Hopper for an indefinite time at the rate of $30 per year report received an committee discharged a series of meetings conducted by Rev. S Greer during holidays requests as follows five by relation and five received for baptism. By motion adjourned. Rev. S Greer moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.