the first Baptist Church of Muncie met January 26, 1889 preaching by Rev. JB Carter then organize for business minutes of previous meeting read and approved new business the church voted license to Brother DW Hughes to preach the gospel wherever the Lord in his providence calls him. Treas. reported collected $20.40 paid out $16.40 leaving a balance in Treasury of four dollars’ report received. Getting the two previous weeks just past our pastor LF Bailey assisted by Rev. JB Carter of Newtown Indiana held a series of meetings resulting 25 baptisms and seven by relation and as there is no further business appearing the congregation proceeds to the water where the ordinance of baptism is administered to the following candidates.

  • Dudley Radcliffe
  • W Reemtsen
  • W Jeffries
  • Samuel Wimphanous
  • Albert Dalbey
  • Lawrence Reemtsen
  • Mary Benson
  • Cad Doggeth
  • Wimphanous
  • Frank Wimphanous
  • George Bantz
  • Ran Dalbey
  • Seneca Stearnes Jr.


  • Sallie Lynch
  • Lennie Littler
  • Evy Littler
  • Elizabeth Stevebaugh
  • Elizabeth Stearns
  • Gracy Lynch
  • Saidy Hopper
  • Clary Wise
  • Altar Hughes
  • Aimy Hughes
  • Girty McCarty
  • Virgee Benson






The first Baptist Church of Muncie met March 23, 1889. Devotional exercises. Minutes of church read and approved the committee appointed to talk to brother McFarland and Dickie McBroom not prepared to report were continued committee appointed to talk to Sister Georgia Benson reported she said she would not dance anymore report received an committee discharged Treas. reported $24.52 behind with our pastor including this trip report received by motion adjourned. Brother LF Bailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

the first Baptist Church of Muncie met April 27, 1889 preaching by brother Bailey also prayer and conference meeting organized for business minutes of previous meeting read and approved committee for referring to brother’s James McFarland and Dickie McBroom as a part of the committee did not get to talk to brother McFarland were continued with our pastor brother Bailey added committee reported brother McBroom stated he would do better in the future report received and the committee discharged the Evelot system for raising money for church expenses was voted that each subscription pay such a percent of their subscription each week that at the end of the year they would have the amount paid and would harsh realize it.

The churches that were invited to council with us in the consideration of setting apart to the Ministry our brethren DW Hughes and Isaac Bailey responded with the exception of Fairmount met according to appointment April 25 and proceeded with ordination services. Church services were conducted over Sabbath by our pastor and Rev. JB Carter after 11 o’clock services repaired till the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to Amelia Swain, Mary Swain, Jim Nita Lafflin and Jane Saunders. At the close of the evening services the hand of church fellowship was extended





To the candidates just baptize as above named the Sacrament of the Lord supper was administered after which singing a song brother Pro stir pronounced benediction. Rev. LF Bailey moderator

the Muncie Baptist church met May 25, 1889 preaching by brother Bailey and prayer and conference meeting organize for business brother William Lynch appointed clerk pro tem minutes of previous meeting were read and approved after discussing the matter relating to brother McFarland a motion was made and carried to discharge the committee a motion was made and carried to notify brother John McFarland of the charges the church holds against him by mail of a dissenting himself and his immoral conduct from the church that he may be prepared to defend his case at our next regular church meeting Sister Hopper the treasurer reported for two months $32.44 indebtedness a motion was carried that we extend our aim to Pleasant Grove to receive numbers for the church by motion adjourned brother Bailey moderator W Lynch clerk

Muncie Baptist church met June 22, 1889 preaching by brother Bailey prayers and conference meeting organize for business minister of church read and approved visiting brethren were invited to a seat in convent with us Rev. WH Cartwright being present accepted brother John McFarland failing to be present to defend the charges brought against him for a moral conduct and absented himself from the church was excluded church instructed the clerk to write a letter to the Association at meeting with this church and its 53rd annual session treasurer reported $32.52 indebtedness church voted to hold a festival June 30 proceeds going towards expenses by motion adjourned











The first Baptist Church of Muncie met July 27, 1889 preaching by Brother Gailey when brother Willie Wright was received by letter the clerk not present with church minutes the business meeting was postponed until Sunday 4 o’clock met according to appointment devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The Association letter being misplaced of the clerk gave a verbal statement which was received delegates were appointed to the Association as follows: our pastor Rev. LF Gailey, Isaac Bailey, DW Hughes, James a Bantz, JH Reemtsen and, and Willis Wright: sisters rose Dalbey and Mary J Hopper. A committee on sustainment were appointed consisting of brethren Isaac Bailey & AL Stearns. A soliciting committee were appointed consisting of brethren JA Bantz FP Dalbey, Shelby callings, Harry Lafflin, and RB Bailey. For the purpose of taking care of the Association. Church voted to build a fence in front of the church a committee were appointed to carry on the work consisting of brethren William Reims, ask callings and RB Bailey. An eating stand was conducted at the Fourth of July celebration on behalf of the church resulting in net proceeds of $22.95 which was to be used for church purposes. Treas. reported $15 in Treasury making a total on hands of $37.95. Behind on pastor salary near $40. By motion adjourned. Brother LF Gailey moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk





First Baptist Church of Muncie met August 24, 1889 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved committee on permanent improvement not present to report continued treasurer reported fence cost $22.55 behind on pastor’s salary including this trip $42.04 report received the pastor was requested to for a few moments while the church had a private consultation brother JB Porter was appointed moderator church voted to call brother Bailey one half the time salary to be $250 brother Isaac Bailey and JH Reemtsen and was appointed a committee to confer with our pastor and report immediately committee reported brother Bailey would preach one half his time for $275 but desired one month’s time to give an answer church received the report and discharge the committee Brothers JA Bantz and FP Dalbey were appointed a committee to raise the finance committee in collecting the subscription not paid in on pastor’s salary. By motion adjourned

the Muncie Baptist church met September 21, 1889 preaching by brother Bailey praying and conference meeting minutes of previous meeting read and approved committee on subscription was to circulate the subscription paper and anticipate if the amount could be raised for half of the time and write the result to brother Bailey stating if the amount could not be raised for one half of the time he would preach one fourth the time for the same amount as last year 11 2/3 dollars a trip treasurer reported back on pastor’s salary $18.50 by motion adjourned brother LF Bailey moderator




The Muncie Baptist Church met October 26, 1889 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved committee circulated subscription paper and raised $250 for preaching one half of the time and Brother Gailey accepted the call one year for the salary no further business appearing by motion adjourned. Brother LF Gailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

no meeting no business transacted preaching over Sunday by our pastor.

Muncie Baptist Church met December 21, 1889 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved treasurer reported proceeds from oyster supper $21.91 cash on hand’s $39.92 back our pastor’s salary $19.05 report received at the close of 11 o’clock service on Sabbath brother and sister Claypool were received by letters then was dismissed with benediction. Rev. LF Gailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk



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