Walkers point church met Saturday Jan 2 1869 the meeting was opened with singing & prayer brother Bantz was chosen moderator the minutes of the last meeting was read & approved the committee on subscriptions was continued then adjourned in peace
Walker point church met Saturday Feb. 6 1869 and in absence of our clerk brother Russel was chosen mod it was then resolved to appoint a committee to hunt up the deed for our house or get a new one said committee to consist of Isaac M Henry Samuel Dalbey + Eli boreaz subscription committee continued then adjourned in peace.
Walkers point church met Friday evening Feb. 19th 1869 preaching by our pastor adjourned to Saturday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock preaching by our pastor adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Noble was received for baptism then adjourned Monday evening preaching by our pastor then adjourned to evening preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace
J Littler Church Clerk
Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday march
The meeting was opened with singing & prayer there were exhortation delivered by Brother seals & littler the church was then organized for business by electing Brother Samuel clerk resolved the reports of committee were then called for the subscription committee reported business unfinished and were continued the committee to hunt our church deed reported deed found and was dismissed it was then resolved by a unanimous vote of the church to give to Brother Isaac Littler to preach the gospel Elder C B seals mod Samuel Dalbey clerk
Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday exhortation by Brother littler the church was then organized for business by electing Brother Seneca Stearnes made it resolved to appoint a committee to take church deed and get and said committee to consist of Brother Samuel Dalbey Brother Eli boreaz in his church letter & it was read to the church it was then resolved to grant letter of dismissal from this church to sister Mary per her request adjourned in peace I littler clerk
Walker’s Point Church met on Sunday Apr. 1869 Preaching by our pastor they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following candidate’s F Pebel then adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace. I littler clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday may 1 1868
Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business the reports of committees was called for brother V reported the deed left on pile for record our treasure reported the state of the treasury cash on hand one dollar and 55 cents adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Amanda jones was received for baptism adjourned to 4 o’clock Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace j littler church Clerk
Walkers point church met Sunday may 11 1869 Preaching by our pastor then went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Amanda jones then was meet again at 6 o’clock Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Henry Fishbaugh was received for baptism adjourned to Monday 6 o’clock preaching again by our pastor then was dismissed in peace j littler church Clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday June 5 1869 pastor and clerk absent the meeting was called for business by electing deacon Bantz moderator and Eli boreaz clerk it was then resolved to appoint a committee to 4 the car get a pastor for next year and report at out next meeting adjourned
Walkers point church met Saturday preaching by Elder Bryant adjourned
Preaching by our pastor to henry Fishbaugh the congregation was then dismissed to meet at half past 11 o’clock when we Preaching by our pastor after we attended to the ordinance of the cards supper administered by our pastor we then sang a hymn and went out
Walker’s Point Church met on Met pursuant to adjournment Saturday preaching by Brother the church was then organized for business the reports of committees were called for the committee that was to find us a pastor reported business unfinished and were continued the committee that was to get church died recorded reported deed did and gave it to the clerk and were discharged it was the resolved to have the clerk write a letter to the Bloomfield Baptist Association and read the same at our next meeting. Adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock. Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Elder Bryant and then dismissed to meet at 11 o’clock preaching again by Elder Bryant was then dismissed in peace.
Walker’s Point Church met on Met pursuant to adjournment Sunday July 13th 1869 Preaching by our pastor was then dismissed to meet again at 4 o’clock Preaching by our pastor was then dismissed in peace
Walker’s Point Church met on Met pursuant to adjournment Saturday Preaching by our pastor the church was then organized for business the letter to the association was called for was read and the allowed amend it was passed adopted call Elder to take the pastoral care of this church to preach one half of his time for which we agree to pay him three hundred dollars
Subscription Committee of last year made a final report and were discharged – that we have a subscription committee for this year and that deacon Stearnes. Deacon Bantz and brother Samuel Dalbey and Sisters Sarah Dalbey and Martha Stearnes be that committee
Adjourned to morrow 11 o cluck preaching by our pastor then was dismissed to 4 o clock reading again by our pastor then was dismissed in peace Isaac littler clerk
Walkers Point Church met Saturday Oct 68
Preaching by our pastor then had a prayer meeting – business our treasurer then stated that the treasury 2 dollars
To Sunday 11 o clock preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace
Walkers Point Church met 69
Preaching by our pastor
For business no
Again at
Then themselves dismissed
By our pastor