Walker point church met Saturday July 6 1872 opened by praise & prayer the church was then organized for business by electing brother s stearnes moderator the minutes of the November meeting was then read and adopted it was then resolved to Send a letter to the association and the clerk write the some resolved that we appoint a committee to settle with Elder C B Seals our former pastor said committee to consist of brethren H Stearnes, Samuel Dalbey and I Littler then adjourned.
Walkers Point church met Sunday July the 13th 1872 exhortation by I littler then owing to a carol from Pidgeon grove for assistance to recognize a Baptist church at that point resolved that we Send brethren Seneca stearnes, s Dalbey, I littler as delegates to visit that point then was dismissed in peace. I littler church Clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday Aug. the 1872 opened by praise & prayer the church was then organized for business by electing brothers Stearns mod the minutes of last meeting were read & approve the committee to settle with our former pastor then reported settlement made and claimed all adjusted the committee was then discharged other committees continued then adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock met according to agreement Preaching by I littler then was dismissed in peace I Littler church Clerk walkers point church met
Walkers Point Church met Saturday Aug. 5 1872 Exhortation by J Littler then church was then organized for business by electing brother s stearnes moderator the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved the letter to the association was then read & adopted & brethren s stearnes, s Dalbey and j littler were chosen delegates to the association committees continued it was resolved to call brother Isaac littler to preach twice per month for this church the coming year. Then adjourned to morrow at 11o’clock church met pursuant to adjournment preaching by I Littler then was dismissed in peace I Littler clerk
Walkers Point church Saturday august 17th 1872 Preaching by Elder Seals then was dismissed to Sunday 11o’clock met according to agreement Preaching by Elder Seals then was dismissed to 3 o’clock when we met Preaching by Elder Seals then was dismissed to Monday morning Preaching by Elder Seals then was dismissed in peace. I Littler clerk
Walker point church met Saturday Aug. 31st 1872 Opened by praise and prayer the church was organized for business by electing bro s Stearns moderator. Minutes for last meeting were read and adopted. The committee to settle with our former pastor then reported settlement was made and all adjourned the committee was then discharged other committees continued then adjourned to Sunday 11oclok met according to agreement Preaching by I Littler then was dismissed in peace I littler clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday Oct. 5th 1872 opened by singing and exhortation by brother j littler the church was then organized for business by electing brothers Stearns moderator the minutes for last month were read and adapted committees on repairs for house and for pastor were continued no other business then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock church preaching by j littler then was dismissed in peace
Walkers point church met Sunday October 20th 1872 preaching by brother GR walker then was dismissed in peace j littler church Clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday nov 2nd 1872 Opened by praise and prayer the church was then organized for business electing brothers stearnes moderator the journal of the previous day was read and approved committees continued no other business then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by j littler then was dismissed in peace
Walkers point church met Saturday Dec. 1st 1872 preaching by brother j littler no new business. Old committees continued then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by bro littler then was dismissed in peace
Walkers point church met on the 2nd Sunday in Dec. preaching by bro littler then was dismissed in peace