Walker’s point church met February 23, 1878 divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved the church voted to give Brother JA Brown hundred dollars to preach once per month for one-year brother Brown accepted the call then was dismissed with benediction brother Brown moderator







Walker’s point church met May 25, 1878 divine services organize for business brother seals appointed moderator minutes of previous meeting read amended and received finance committee was granted longer time to make out their report by motion adjourned

services were continued over Sabbath conducted by Rev. CB seals after evening services Finance committee reported hundred and nine dollars subscribed the church then voted to procure brother seals labour once per month for one year and make up the remaining $11 brother seals stood in open doors of the church when John Ratehill was received for baptism then was dismissed with benediction CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

Walker’s point church met June 22, 1878 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and received new business the church voted to instruct the church clerk and writing a letter to the Bloomfield Baptist Association by motion adjourned CB seals moderator FP Dalbey

Walker’s point church met July 26, 1878 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and received Association letter read amended and received new business delegates were appointed to the Association as follows rather and as Stearns DW Hughes JA Bantz CE Jones Isaac Bailey and FP Dalbey by motion adjourned CB seals moderator FP Dalbey





Walker’s point Church met March 23, 1878. The Divine services. Organized for business. Minutes of previous meeting read. Brother Brown moderator. No unfinished business. Brother Brown offered his resignation with some regret that he must go and we were sorry to give him up but his resignation was received by the church. May the Lord prosper his journey and efforts to do good wherever his lot may cast. No more business before the church by motion adjourned. JA Bantz clerk

Walker’s point Church met April 27, 1878. Devotional exercises. The church organized for business by appointing brother he was moderator. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. New business, by an action of the Church of the following names were a race from the church book for their non-attendance of church: Lucy Flaugher, Edward Schooley, Mary J Paris, Tabitha Paris, Martha Flaugher, Sarah Paris, Margaret McIlhenny, Thomas Dalbey, Mary Dalbey, Abraham M Henry, Amanda Jones, WG Rose, William Boyd and Amanda Flaugher. The church also voted to send a postal card to the following names for their non-attendance of church: Elizabeth Downey, Jemima Watts, Rebecca Compton, Rachel courting, and Lucinda Willis.

The church of voted to call Rev. CB seals as pastor once per month for one year if the to justify him for coming could be raised the church also quoted that the following names of brethren Harrison Stearns, JA Bantz, CE Jones, and FP Dalbey act as Finance committee by motion adjourned. Brother Hughes moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk








Walker’s point Church met August 24, 1878. No meeting the Association being in session at Champaign.

Walker’s point Church met September 21, 1878. Divine services. Organize for business. Minutes of church read and approved. New business the church voted to give Brother Hughes cordial invitation to preach once per month between our regular monthly meeting also one dollar was pledged to brother by motion adjourned. Services were conducted over Sabbath by Brother seals a collection was taken to procure coal and coal oil amount of collection two dollars. CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk

Walker’s point Church met October 26, 1878. No meeting owing to the un-clemency of the weather. Services were conducted over Sabbath by Rev. CB seals – FP Dalbey church clerk

a collection of $1.88 was taken to purchase coal.

Walker’s point Church met November 23, 1878. Prayer and conference meeting. No business appearing by motion adjourned. CB seals and FP Dalbey church clerk

Walker’s point Church met February 22, 1879. Devotional exercises proceeded to business. Business by appointing brother Hughes moderator. Minutes of church read and received. The church of voted the brother Hughes stand as moderator until we procure a pastor. The church also voted that Harrison Stearns take out of the treasury $2.60 for money that he had paid to brother Brown, Brother seals resignation in January. Was accepted by the church. No more business. Appearing by motion adjourned. Brother Hughes moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk



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