Walker’s point Church met January 28, 1882. Prayer and conference meeting. We had a glorious waiting before the Lord meeting continued so late that there was business transacted. FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met February 25, 1882. Divine services. Organize for business minutes of church read and approved reports of committee brethren JH Stearns and Alfred Stearns reported brother FP Bantz stated that he would try and do better and asked forgiveness the church voted to forgive him report received an committee discharged brother asked Dalbey not being present to report was continued by motion adjourned. Brother Coffman moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met March 25, 1882 organize for business minutes of church read and approved but SJ Smith appointed moderator report of committee’s brother asked Dalbey committee not being present was continued new business the church appointed a committee to procure a sexton for the ensuing year and a report at our next regular meeting committee consisting of brethren JH Stearns Alfred Stearns and FP Dalbey by motion adjourned. Brother Smith moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met April 22, 1882 brother JA Bantz appointed moderator minutes of church was read and approved committee on procuring a pastor reported lived brother William Lynch for the ensuing year for $20 report received an committee discharged. Brother S Dalbey committee appointed to talk to brother Richard Dalbey for his disorderly conduct and his unwillingness to obey the church rules the committee not being present nor for two previous meetings several of the member’s present stated to the church they had conversed with the brother and that he did not manifest unwillingness to come back to the church and make the proper acknowledgements. The church considered it necessary to act and opted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from the brother and discharge the committee. By motion adjourned. JA Bantz moderator P Dalbey church clerk.
Walker’s point church met June 17, 1882 divine services brother S Smith appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved church voted to send a letter to the Bloomfield Association instructed the clerk to write the letter with brother JA Bantz to assist him Church voted to pay Sexton quarterly no further business appearing by motion adjourned. Brother S Smith moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.
Walker’s point Church met July 29, 1882 Divine services organized for business Brother Jones appointed clerk pro tem delegates volunteered to attend the Association as follows Isaac Bailey Seneca Stearns and S Smith Maria Smith and Sarah reams. By motion and second church extended a cordial invitation first section of Association. Attendance at meeting remarks and speaking by most of the members and the general good feeling existing all desiring a revival by motion adjourned.
Meeting continued over Sabbath conducted by Brother Coffman after which the Association letter was read before the church amended and approved. Dismissed with benediction. Brother Coffman moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church August 26, 1882 the Association in session at Hickory Grove Church postponed business meeting till September – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met September 23, 1882 devotional exercises were led by brother Isaac Bailey Brother Kaufman taking the chair as moderator minutes of church read and approved new business names of non-resident members were considered and the following names were excluded and erased: excluded Mary and Jane Wiley for joining another church of different faith in order. Erased for non-attendance of church: Mary Doyle Andrew Noble Caroline Noble Priscilla black and Rachel Courtney Mc Rebecca Compton and Lucinda Willis. The church appointed the deacons to procure a pastor for they ensuing year and report as early as possible as a part of the finance committee were not present to report and other unfinished business to be attended to the church appointed a call meeting on the following Wednesday evening after prayer meetings to attend to the unfinished business. Rev. J Kaufman moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point church met pursuant to adjournment devotional exercises were led by brother Lynch proceeded to business by appointing brother S Smith moderator report of committee finance committee reported the subscription hundred and $16 had been paid into them and that brother Kaufman had received hundred and $70 of his salary report received and Isaac Bailey added to the committee the question to continue or
Walker’s point church met October 22, 1882 brother S Smith appointed moderator prayers by brother Seneca Stearns committee on procuring a pastor continued committee appointed to talk to Brother J Stearns reported they conversed with him the brother and he confessed his wrong and asked the prayers of the people of God in behalf of the sin that.so easily beset him report received an committee discharged financial committee reported $20 on subscription not collected and not including the subscription $45 behind paying our pastor and not provided for report received the names of non-resident members were taken up and dispersed of as follows. Sister Mary Berkley moving to the state of Kansas was granted a letter at her own request. The Church voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from John Spaclemire, Wyatt Spaclemire, and Newton McFarland for non-attendance and unchristian conduct. For want of time the remaining names of none attendant members were laid over until next church meeting for further consideration. The church appointed a committee to purchase an organ for the church of this committee consisting of brethren FP Dalbey Alfred Stearns and JA Bantz. By motion adjourned. Brother S Smith moderator FP Dalbey church clerk
Discontinue Brother Coffman’s labours for another year was acted upon and church deemed it best to discontinue Brother JH Stearns sending a letter to the church stating that he was a hindrance to the cause of Christ and desired his name taken off the church took a committee of three consisting of brethren JA Bantz Isaac Bailey and FP Dalbey on amendment to the committee was made by adding Brother asked Smith to the committee. This committee to converse with Brother Stearns about the statement he had made and report at our next regular church meeting for business by motion adjourned. Brother Smith moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk new line Walker’s point Church met November 18, 1882 Divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved unfinished business names of non-residents members were laid over for want of time reports of committees organized reported purchased an organ for the church giving the old Oregon and $50 for the new one report received an committee discharged our remainder of $17.45 of organ money in the Treasury a part of this money was voted to pay some incidental expenses the allowance to be applied on pastors salary by motion adjourned. Brother Coffman moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk