Muncie Baptist Church met January 24, 1891 devotional exercises minutes of previous meeting read and approved church granted sister Minnie Claypool a letter of dismissal at her own request treasurer reported indebted $30.93 report need the series of meetings held requested in addition to by relation three restored and 12 for baptism adjourned to meet Saturday, February 21 at 230 o’clock p.m. Rev. JB Porter moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

The Muncie Baptist Church met pursuant to adjournment prayer and conference treasurer reported paid out $24 and indebted $20 report received Brother Porter and Brother Bailey changed pulpits after 11 o’clock services on Sunday repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the following candidates Jay and Stearns Mary E Stearns Edna Stearns Lola Stearns Millie Stearns Nettie Jones Emma Littler and Joseph Bishop after evening services the hand of church fellowship was extended to the candidates as above named except Nettie Jones who is not present the Lord’s supper was then administered sung the song and went out. Rev. LF Bailey moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.




The Muncie Baptist church met March 21, 1891 devotional exercises brother JA Bantz appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved preaching by brother Bantz

Muncie Baptist church met April 25, 1891 devotional exercises minutes of the church read and approved treasurer reported red $29.35 paid out $23.89 church paid to coal three dollars Sexton $4.67 report read my motion adjourned Rev. JB Porter moderator

the Muncie Baptist church met May 23, 1891 preaching by brother Carter minutes of church read and approved church granted Sister Aida Duncan a letter of dismissal treasurer reported received and paid out during the month $14 and paid our pastor up to this time a $113.80 report received by motion adjourned to meet on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June at 230 o’clock Rev. JB Porter moderator

services were continued over Sunday after 11 o’clock services repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by G.W. Hughes to the




Following candidates Lula Robison Maggie Hubbard rose Hubbard and Oscar Bantz at the evening services the hand of church fellowship was extended to the candidates baptized including sister met T Jones then was dismissed with benediction.

Saturday, June 27, 1891 the Muncie Baptist Church met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Brother Porter on account of the absence of the clerk the minutes of previous meeting they stand on approved.

The men she Baptist Church met July 25, 1891 devotional exercise minutes of church read and approved church ordered the clerk to be assisted by the pastor to write a letter to the Bloomfield Baptist Association treasurer reported debt to pastor $46.49 received from Festival $26.30 paid out $1.75 leaving a balance of $24.55 in this church voted Festival of proceeds as follows for mission purposes five dollars sexton $5.50 fixing lamp two dollars recording deed $.50 balance to be appropriated on pastor’s salary delegates were appointed to attend the Association as follows our pastor Rev. JB Porter FP Dalbey AL Stearns Minerva Wade Rose Dalbey T Hughes Edna Stearns Mary Stearns JA Bantz and S Dalbey by motion adjourned Rev. JB Porter moderator FP Dalbey church clerk






The Muncie Baptist church met August 22, 1891 devotional exercises minutes of previous meetings read and approved treasurer reported paid out $39.69 and to pastor $44.81 and to Sexton $2.25 report received by motion adjourned to meet September 25 at 230 o’clock Rev. JB Porter moderator

Muncie Baptist church met September 25, 1891 pursuant to adjournment devotional exercise no business transacted

the Muncie Baptist church met October 24, 1891 devotional exercises the minutes of August meeting read and approved a committee to procure a pastor for the ensuing year consisting of a L Stearns W Lynch and FP Dalbey adjourned to meet subject to call on Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00 PM treasurer reported paid to pastor $60.81 and to Sexton $2.46 report received



The Muncie Baptist Church met November 21, 1891 brother DW Hughes appointed moderator devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved committee on procuring a pastor only two of the committee present reported had not procured one and being behind with pastor’s salary church voted to pay off the debt before calling a pastor consequently a festival was arranged for that purpose to be held Thursday evening December 3 committee on arrangement consisting of brethren DJ Hopper WH Reims and DW Hughes committee on soliciting brother Bruce Bailey Thomas Hughes Sister Sadie Hopper EV Littler Lizzie Stearns Amy Hughes Albert Dalbey and Fred Russell committee to wait on table sisters Edna Stearns Minerva Wade Lena Littler Josie Smith Emma Hughes Lola Stearns Millis Stearns committee to cook oysters Bruce Bailey Julia Littler and Dilip McCarty committee to wait on oyster table sister Hannah Wise Anna Campbell Aida Hughes Sadie Hopper Rose Hubbard Ofela Dalbey VV Reims committee at the door DW Hughes Brother WH Reims was appointed to purchase brick and get chimney repaired treasurer reported received and paid pastor Rev. JB Porter $25 on salary debt to pastor $48.15 incidentals $1.45 by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk






The Muncie Baptist church met December 26, 1891 Brother DW Hughes appointed moderator devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved church voted to call for Brother DW Hughes one fourth of his time for one-year treasurer reported paid Brother Porter $25 and to Sexton $4.28 and to incidentals three dollars by motion dismissed

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