Walker point church met Saturday Jan 21 1873 preaching by bro littler no business the old committees continued then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock peaching by j littler then dismissed to the 3rd Sunday in February then was dismissed in peace          j littler church Clerk




Meeting at the walkers point church February 16th 1873 Sunday 16th Preaching by Elder Seals meet on Monday night Preaching by Elder Seals meet on Tuesday night Preaching by Elder Seals meet on Wednesday night Preaching by Elder Seals when frank Dalbey was received for baptism met on Thursday Preaching by Elder Seals when Mary a stearnes was received for baptism and frank sitter for baptism met at night Preaching by Elder Seals when frank Dalbey and Addy Dalbey were received for baptism. met on Friday preaching by Elder Noillis when Don Lewis was received for baptism met again at night Preaching by Elder Seals when James Y. Romero was received for baptism met Saturday night Preaching by Elder Seals when frank Huggins was received for baptism. met Sunday 11 o’clock Preaching by Elder Seals when Walter T Ramses was received for baptism. met Monday Preaching by Elder Seals when James A Bantz was received for baptism met again at night Preaching by Elder Willis When Nancy Littler was received for baptism met on Tuesday Preaching by Elder Seals when bro G N Shaclemire and wife was receiver by letter then repaired to the water baptism was administered by Elder Willis to candidates named above met at night preaching by Elder Willis when Alice Flaugher, Nellie McFarland and Mary Bantz were received for baptism then adjourned in peace to hob be all the glory amen       wt Ramses clerk




Walkers point church met Saturday mar 1st 1873 opened by singing and prayer by Seneca stearnes church then organized for business by s Stearns elected moderator a new clerk was then appointed to fill the place of bro J Littler who had made his vacancy by death. W T Ramses appointed and elected by the church committee for pastor for requested progress and asked for further time. WT Ramses instructed to communicate to bro seals as to being our pastor for the year no more business   w t Ramses Clerk

Walkers pt. church met Saturday march 29th 1973 at 730 pm preaching by Elder seals then was dismissed to Sunday 30th 11o’clock preaching again by bro seals after which the door of the church was opened and William was received for baptism then repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to Alice Flaugher and Nellie Macfarland by Elder seals then adjourned to 730 in the evening preaching by Elder seals after which the door of the church was opened and Ellie Bales was received for baptism then was dismissed in peace  wt Ramses Clerk




Walkers point church met April 5th 1873 Opened by prayer and praise by Brother Seneca Stearnes after which church was organized for business with J J appointed moderator minutes of previous meeting was read and approved. Letters were granted as follows – To Dora Lewis Elisa mand and wife then member were then deferred to that sister den notify and


Walkers pt. church met Apr. 26th 1873 Opened by prayer and praise by brother seals after remarks by bro seals a few minutes were spent in thinking of giving in church then organized for business on motion to exclude Airam Compton, Malisia Reader for misconduct and violating rules of church no more business appearing meeting dismissal to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by Bro Seals then repaired to the water where the ordinances of baptism were administered to William, Mary Bantz & Ellice Ballia by bro seals then was dismissed in peace             W. T. Ramses Clerk



Walker pt. church met may 24th opened at the hour by bro seals bro seals appointed moderator moved and seconded that Littler be granted a fellowship

Called for delegation from walkers pt. church to recognize them as an independent church there more appointed bet inured to go meeting them adjourned to may 25th at 11 o’clock after open over be formal brother Isaac Littler funeral was preached by bro seals then was dismissed in peace.            Wt Ramses Clerk

Walkers pt. church met June 21st 1873 Opened at the regular house by bro Seals preaching by bro Seals after which church was organized for business minutes of previous meeting was read and approved W T Ramses instructed to write a letter to the Bloomfield Association giving conditions of the church moved and resolved that Samuel Dalbey be elected deacon for this ehu past to cote and repaired no more appearing meeting closed in peace

Met on June 22 Preaching by bro Seals then bro Dalbey hoal duty

W T Ramses



Walker pt. church met July 26th 1873 opened at the hour Preaching by Bro Seals after which the bread & wine was passed as a token and remembrance of our saviour after this was done a hymn were sung and all went out       W L Ramses Clerk

Walker pt. church met august 21st 1873 Opened by singing and prayer by Bro H Stearns. Bro s Stearns appointed mod minutes of last meeting read and approved also a letter to the Bloomfield association was read and approved delegates were appointed as follows to the Bloomfield association bro s stearnes, bro wt Ramses, a collection of one dollar fifty cents taken for printed minutes no more business appearing meeting closed in peace wt Ramses church clerk

Walkers pt. church met Thursday Oct. 23rd 1873 Preaching by our pastor bro Seals then adjourned to Friday evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Saturday 3pm Preaching by Bro Seals after which church was organized for business bro seals appointed mod minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion a letter of dismissal granted to J Ramses which was granted. Meeting then adjourned to Sunday 11am Preaching by Bro Seals adjourned to 7pm Preaching by Bro Seals then was dismissed in peace          wt Ramses Clerk




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