Friday Morning may 5th 1854 11 o’clock
Church met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by Elder Carter from Acts 3_19 when the door was opened for the reception of members when the following persons were received for baptism: Henry Wiley, Lane Wiley, & Emily Radcliff adjourned to six o’clock met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship from Luke 24th 46-47 followed by Carter then adjourned till 11 o’clock tomorrow
Saturday May 6th
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship from Luke 2nd 10-11 followed by Carter when the door was opened for the reception of members when Hugh Wiley was received by letter Jane Wiley his wife & Cordelia Littler was received for baptism then adjourned to candle light
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Carter followed by Blankenship when John Littler Jr was received for baptism adjourned to 11 o’clock tomorrow
Sunday morning may the 7th
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship from Hebrews 1-2 followed by Carter took a collection of $12.78 for the benefit of the two Elders then immediately repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to the above named candidates by both the Elders then adjourned to o’clock
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by carter from first Timothy 3_13 followed by Blankenship when the following persons were received Francis Cox, Ellen Hartman, Isaac Litter, George Cox. Adjourned till tomorrow 11 o’clock
Monday May 8th 11 o’clock
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Carter from 2 Jim 3_16_17 when the following persons were received for baptism. Melinda A Litter & John Litter Snr Rachel Litter received by relation then immediately repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by both the Elders then adjourned till Friday night candle light.
Friday evening May 12.
Met pursuant to adjournment exhortations by Blankenship & Carter adjourned to 11 o’clock tomorrow which day had been to elect church officers & a pastor.
Saturday morning may 13th 11 o’clock
Owing to a heavy fall of only part of the church came together preaching by carter from Church organized by appointing Elder Carter Mod & Joseph Jones Clerk when brother Jones presented Standing Rules & orders for conducting business in the Walkers Point Church which were read and adopted. Then proceeded to elect by ballot for a pastor & writing clerk which resulted in the choice of Elder A Blankenship as pastor & Harrison Stearns for clerk then proceeded to elect two deacons which resulted in the choice of Harrison Stearns & Joseph Jones.
Brother H Stearns declines serving as clerk from inability & want of form & that brother Joseph Jones is requested to fill his place which he agrees to do for an indefinite period.
Resolved that brethren John Litter snr & Joseph Jones form a committee to confer with out pastor & report before we dismiss.
Report of the committee Elder Blankenship will serve us once a month for on year for the sum of fifty dollars. Report received & committee discharged. Resolved that the Saturday before the first lord’s day in each month be the time for holding our church meetings
resolved that we attend to the ordinance of the supper on the first lord’s day in June then adjourned to meet Saturday 3rd of June at 11 o’clock Joseph Jones clerk Elder carter mod
Walkers Point Church met Saturday June 3rd 1854 11 o’clock
Preaching by Blankenship from ephe 26 then proceeded to do business
1st the middle fork church made a request asking help to assist in organizing a church out of her body at the Pentecost school house in Vermillion County Illinois on Friday before the third Sunday in June
2nd on motion & second resolved that we Send a delegation of our brethren – Seneca Stearns, Marion Stearns, john littler snr, joseph jones & as many more of the brethren as landge
3rd on motion & second resolved that we celebrate the ordinance of the supper, once in three months beginning with the seasons adjourned to candle light
candlelight met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship adjourned till tomorrow 10 o’clock
Sunday morning 4 of June
Met pursuant to adjournment spent one hour in prayer preaching by Elder Samuel Johnson of Fountain County a Presbyterian Baptist followed by Blankenship then opened a door to receive members when the following persons were received Nancy Deacon by letter Sarah Dalbey by relation Martin Oar for baptism his baptism deferred for the present
Then immediately repaired the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to Joseph Sean by Elder Blankenship then dispersed to meet at 4 o’clock.
4 o’clock Met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by Blankenship attend to the ordinance of the supper then adjourned till Saturday the first day of July.
Joseph Jones Clerk Elder A Blankenship Mod
Walkers Point Church met Saturday July 1st 1854 preaching by Elder Benjamin Harris followed by our pastor.
1st by request Sister Emily Radcliffe granted a letter of dismissal then adjourned in peace.
A Blankenship Mod Joseph Jones Clerk
Walker Point Church convened Saturday July 29th 1854. Elders Blankenship, Harris, G.W. Carter & G W Riley presented. Preaching by Riley adjourned to 4 o’clock by request. Sister Amelia Ann Hubbard granted a letter of dismissal.
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Harris adjourned to 10 o’clock tomorrow.
Sunday Morning July 30th Met pursuant to adjournment spent one hour in prayer and exhortation when Elder Riley preached from
a door was penanced to receive members when Mijson Litter was received for baptism. Adjourned to 4 o’clock
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Elder J H Rees then immediately repaired to the water where the ordinance of Baptism was administered by Elder Blankenship then dispersed.
Walkers point church met 5th of august 1854 preaching by Blankenship
1st by motion & second resolved that we Send a letter to the Bloomfield association & ask to be admitted into the fellowship of that body & that our clerk write the letter & presented at our next meeting in cause adjourned in peace
A Blankenship mod joseph jones Clerk
Walkers point church met Saturday 2rd sept 1854 preaching by Blankenship
1st brother jones presented our letter to the association was received
2nd appointed brethren Harrison Stearns, john littler Senior, Isaac littler, joseph jones our delegates to the Bloomfield association.
3rd voted that in case of failure of any of own delegates attending the association any member presented may fill that vacancy adjourned till candle light
met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Blankenship adjourned to 10 tomorrow
Sunday 10 o’clock met spent one hour in prayer & conservation then preaching by Blankenship adjourned to 4 o’clock
met pursuant to adjournment had a short discussion attended to the ordinance of the supper then adjourned in peace
A Blankenship mod Joseph Jones Clerk
October Meeting. No business or preaching done in consequence of the Bloomfield Association being in session at that time.
Walkers Point Church met Saturday Nov 4th & 5th. Preaching by our pastor then attended to other duties.
1st resolved whereas Francis Cox has declared non fellowship with us by uniting with the Campbellites, that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from her & that she be no more of us.
2nd in accordance with the request of the Bloomfield Association we appoint two of our brethren to meet in Convention with the Little Vermillion Church on Thursday evening previous to the 2nd Sabbath in Nov for the purpose of organizing themselves a missionary board where fore resolved that Brethren Littler & Joseph Jones be our delegates. Adjourned to candlelight.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by Blankenship. Adjourned to 11 o’clock tomorrow
Sunday Morning Nov 5th
Met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by our pastor – when Rebecca Bailey was received for Baptism & that ordinance be attended to after 11o’clock service tomorrow. Adjourned.
Monday Morning Nov 6th
Met pursuant to adjournment. Preaching by our pastor A Blankenship & immediately reported to the water where ordinance of Baptism was administered by our pastor then dispersed. Joseph Jones Clerk
Walkers Point Church met Sat Dec 2nd 1854. Preaching by Blankenship then adjourned to candle light. Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by our pastor then adjourned tomorrow 11 o’clock
Sunday morning 3rd of December
Met pursuant to adjournment preaching by our pastor at the close of the services attendance to the ordinance of the supper then adjourned
A Blankenship Joseph Jones