1883 (Name Changed July 21 1883)

Walker’s point Church held a series of meetings conducted by Rev. CB seals beginning December 27, 1882 and ending January 14, 1883 the following is the resulting 18 baptisms and seven by letter and relation

  • by baptism Laura Collins
  • Quincy Collins
  • Shelby Collins
  • Jude Collins
  • Hannah Wise
  • Betty Faulkner
  • Sarah A W
  • Lily W
  • Ezra W
  • William peters
  • Otis Dalbey
  • Thomas Hughes
  • Betty Childs
  • William for
  • Warren Madden
  • Maggie Kester
  • Ellie Dalbey
  • Freddie Russell


  • By letter and relation
  • Jesse Faulkner
  • Sarah E Faulkner
  • JD Hopper
  • Mary Jane Hopper
  • Susie peters
  • Molly E Dalbey
  • William A Dalbey

Walker’s point Church called a meeting January 9, 1883 organize for business brother JA Bantz appointed moderator the committee procuring a pastor reported had not hired one. The church discharged the committee the church took the matter on hand and acted at once. Brother seals was consented and said he would pastor the church for half of his time for one year for $300 if the church was unanimously agreed but desired to consider the church voted unanimously to him by motion adjourned.

Walker’s point church met March 24, 1883 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and approved church covenant read and commented on by brother seals.

The church members present received then a vow to the church covenant by a general shaking of hands.

Visitors were invited to seats with us. Reception of members Eveline Lewis presents herself for baptism.

The names of none attendant members were considered and reclaimed except the following names which were to be seen individually or written to. Mary Harris Mary Spaclemire Manny Wiley Alice Flaugher and Spaclemire Eli Barca’s WD Noble and Rudolf Copeland. Finance committee reported rather negligent Brother Harrison Stearns tendered his resignation as church treasurer he being afflicted and unable to get about the church receive the resignation and noted their kindest thanks to Brother Stearns for his faithfulness and serving as treasurer since the organization of the church. The church voted that a copy of the resignation be sent to the standard for publication.

Brother S Smith was elected successor to Brother Stearns as church treasurer.

The Church voted to license brother Isaac Bailey to preach the gospel of the blessed son of God wherever to the Lord in his infinite wisdom sees fit to call him. A motion for adjournment was voted. Rev. CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk



Walker’s point Church met April 8, 1883 preaching by brother seals after which repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to Evelina Lewis then was dismissed with benediction

Walker’s point Church met April 21, 1883 Divine services minutes of church read and approved church hired Brother Selby Collings as sexton for the ensuing year for $20 no further business appearing by motion adjourned. Rev. CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk

Walker’s point Church met May 26, 1883 Divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved Brother peters stating he had been over with a fault and made his acknowledgements and asked the church to forgive him church voted to forgive him by motion adjourned church granted Preston Vandervoort a letter of dismissal May 13, 1883 Rev. CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk new Walker’s point Church met June 23, 1883 Divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved church voted to send a letter to the Bloomfield Association Brother S Smith reported he had sent the $12 this church had made as a donation to Nebraska steel city church to help the brethren in establishing a church there by motion adjourned

June 24 after 11 o’clock services Sister Minnie Rogers was received by letter Rev. CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk




Walker’s point church met July 21, 1883 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved the letter to the Association was read amended and approved the names that had been marked or raced off the church book (there were seven in the list) was by a vote of the church reclaimed and to be called non-resident members. Church voted pastor leave of absence for the month of September the name Walker’s point was changed by vote to the church of Muncie delegates were appointed to the Association as follows our pastor Rev. CB seals brethren JA Bantz asked Smith Alfred Stearns Samuel Dalbey Isaac Bailey and sisters Sarah Dalbey Mariah Smith and Emma Stearns. By motion adjourned Rev. CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk.

First Baptist Church Muncie did not hold a monthly meeting in August 1883 as the Association was in session in Indiana at the same time.

Our pastor being absent in the month of September consequently there was no business to transact and the church did not meet for that purpose.

First Baptist Church of Muncie meant October 22, 1883 devotional exercises minutes of church read and approved committee on repairing house reported paid $103.30 and balance to be collected CE Jones and FP Dalbey were discharged from collecting this money only JA Bantz and Isaac Bailey were to do this special collecting and report at our next regular meeting by motion adjourned Rev. CB seals moderating FP Dalbey church clerk.




First Baptist Church of Muncie met November 2, 1883 Divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved treasure reported had paid Pastor $161 Finance committee reported $45.25 more collected a committee on procuring a pastor for the ensuing year was appointed consisting of brethren S Smith Samuel Dalbey and JA Bantz by motion adjourned Rev. CB seals moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

Muncie Baptist Church met Sunday, December 9, 1883 at the close of the 11 o’clock services Annie Clancy presented herself for baptism and after 4 o’clock services repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to Sister Clancy then was dismissed with benediction

met again at lamp lighting services were conducted by brother seals when Sister Mattie Jones was received by letter and Molly McKnight was received for baptism

first Baptist Church of Muncie met December 22, 1883 Divine services organized for business minutes of church read and approved Brother Isaac Bailey one of the finance committee made a final report had collected $52.25 and paid the debt on church building caused by fire making a total of $151.55 report received an committee discharged. Committee on procuring a pastor was requested to report as early as possible. Brother S Smith read a letter from the pastor of the steel city church Nebraska extending thanks for the little donation of $12 this church sent them this church voted that Brother Smith write them that we request them to read the 12th chapter





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