the Muncie Baptist church met January 2, 1897 preaching by pastor minutes of church read and approved the present committee is continued and office Dr. JT Towey offered his resignation as collecting committee on pastor’s salary which was received brother VR Dalbey appointed in his stead church voted to hold a protracted meeting commencing at this time by motion adjourned





During the series of meetings well he Jones was received for baptism January 10, 1897

no meeting in February 1897

the Muncie Baptist church met March 6, 1897 minutes of church read and approved letters of dismissal was granted to Brother JH Stearns and Sister Mary Stearns to join the first Baptist Church of Danville Illinois also Sister Carter was granted a letter of dismissal by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met April 3, 1897 preaching by pastor minutes of church read and approved no business appearing by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator JP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met May 1, 1897 preaching by pastor minutes of previous meeting read and approved no business appearing by motion adjourned Rev. JR Spainous moderator FP Dalbey church clerk




Muncie Baptist Church met in regular session June 5, 1897 after a short spiritual devotional service church organized for business brother JR Spainous offered his resignation on the account of ill health after some expressions of regret at his leaving his resignation was accepted Mrs. Dalbey spoke of repairing cellar which matter received no attention by motion and second the following resolution was made and ordered spread on the minutes of the church resolved that we regret to dispense with the ministerial services of brother JR Spainous that we only accept his resignation on account of sickness and at his own request then a motion and second prevailed giving brother JR Spainous a letter of recommendation nothing more a motion to adjourn earned Dr. JT Towey clerk pro tem

no meeting in July

the Muncie Baptist Church met August 1, 1897 Brother WR Dalbey appointed moderator the clerk had a letter to the Association which was read and adopted messengers were appointed to the Association as followers JA Brant’s Dr. JT Towey FP Dalbey SJ Wade Lester Hopper and Robert Dalbey sisters Sally Bantz and Minerva Wade by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk






No meeting in September 1897

the men she Baptist church met October 23, 1897 at call meetings devotional exercises organize for business Brother JA Bantz appointed moderator minutes of church read and approved the church voted to invite Brother Moore of Sid L to preach on the fifth Sunday committee were appointed to procure a Sexton consisting of brethren Dr. JT Towey DJ Bantz and FP Dalbey Sister Russell was appointed Sexton until one is procured permanently Brother JA Bantz was invited to preach on the fourth Sunday by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk

the Muncie Baptist church met November 6, 1897 devotional exercises organize for business Brother SJ Wade was appointed moderator meeting of the previous meeting read and approved the committee on procurement a Sexton reported hired Brother Herman Dalbey at $3.50 per month brother Samuel Dalbey announced Brother Moore would hold a series of meetings commencing on Monday before our next regular meeting by motion adjourned FP Dalbey church clerk




The Muncie Baptist Church met December 4 1897

preaching by Brother WT Moore church organized for business Brother Moore was appointed to act as moderator the church of voted that the clerk right on order on Treas. for $3.70 to pay Sexton for one month service and $.20 for coal oil church voted the Sexton be paid at the expiration of each month the church held a union meeting with the Novelette church for two weeks Brother Moore and defer preaching no further business appearing by motion adjourned Brother WT Moore acted as moderator FP Dalbey church clerk

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