Walkers point church met Saturday 1868 preaching by our pastor the journal the preceding day was read amended & received resolved that we have an exhibition benefit of the          adjourned to candlelight preaching by our pastor adjourned to 11 o’clock preaching by out pastor adjourned to candlelight preaching by our pastor adjourned in peace

J littler church Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday Feb. 1 1868 preaching by our pastor the minutes were then read amended & received our treasurer then reported the state of the treasury amount received 15 dollar + 5 cents paid out 13 dollars + 25 cent balance on hand 2 dollars + 25 cents report receive resolved that we settle with out sexton and that our deacons employ a sexton in the future and the church pay them adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Rachel M Knight was received for baptism resolved that this church have three more deacons the church then proceeded to vote + the result was that Isaac Littler, E. P Bantz, Christopher Dalbey were elected deacons it was then resolved to ordain them on Saturday before the first Sunday in March and that we Send invitations to Point Pleasant Churches to assist us in that work adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock

Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened




When Mary Lewis was received by relation adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Rebecca Compton + Meory Jone Parris were received by relation adjourned to Monday 11 o’clock spent some time in singing & prayer adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Martha Parris + Tabitha Parris were received for baptism adjourned to Tuesday adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Kathrine was received for baptism adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Elizabeth Stearnes was received for baptism adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Martha Flaugher was received for baptism adjourned to Friday 11 o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock Preaching by our pastor the they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following candidates Martha Flaugher, Catherin Hays, Elizabeth Stearnes adjourned in peace I littler church clerk

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday Feb. 29th 1868 Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Elizabeth M Henry was received for baptism the church was then organized for business the minutes from the last meeting were read and approved resolved that we call Elder c b seals to take the pastoral care of this church for the next six months



And to preach twice per month for which we agree to pay him one hundred and twenty-five dollar resolved that we defer the ordination of deacons until the first Saturday in May next adjourned to candle lighting. Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Sarah Paris was received for baptism adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock. Preaching by our pastor adjourned to candle lighting had a conference & prayer meeting then adjourned in peace  j littler church Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday march the 20 1868 preaching by our pastor adjourned to Saturday candle lighting preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor then repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following named candidates Elizabeth m henry Martha Paris Tabitha Paris Sarah Paris and Rachel m knight the congregation was then dismissed to meet again at candle lighting. Preaching again by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Flard Little Priscilla smith Pillay louman & Elizabeth hays were received for baptism + Mary e cast by relation adjourned to Monday 10 o’clock preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Mary Wiley was reclaimed then went to the water when the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Elizabeth hays, Pillay louman, Priscilla smith + flora little adjourned to candlelight preaching by our pastor the door of the church was opened when Elizabeth maires, Emsley louman, and Sarah hart were received for baptism adjourned in peace Elder. C. B. Seals mod Isaac Littler Church Clerk



Walker’s Point Church met on Friday Apr. 3 1868 Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when M Henry was received for baptism adjourned to Saturday 11 o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting the minutes from the last meeting were read and approved resolved that we grant letters of dismissal to Brother Thompson & wife by their request adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock Preaching by our pastor they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following candidates Isaac M Henry, Elizabeth Mories and Emsley Louman the congregation was then dismissed to meet again at candle lighting Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Harrison Stearnes, Margaret M Henry & Elizabeth Stevenson were received for baptism adjourned in peace  Elder CB seals Moderator I littler church clerk

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday may the 2 1868 Preaching by our pastor the minutes from the last meeting were read and approved it was then resolved to proceed in the ordination of deacons the church then appointed the following named brethren as a council to the candidates Joseph Jones, H Stearnes, Seneca Stearnes , L C Jones, F M Jones of walkers point church and Brother vehaven & Elder c b seals of point pleasant church they then proceeded to business by electing Joseph Pones Moderator & Potter clerk the council then proceeded to the examination of candidates which was satisfactory the proceeded to the ordination prayer by Brother joseph jones laying on of hands by the council presentation of scripture & charge by Brother seals after the close of the ordination it was resolved to furnish the proceedings to for publication adjourned to Sunday 11oclok



Preaching by our pastor then went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Margaret M Henry Elizabeth Stevenson and Harrison stearnes then the congregation was then dismissed to meet again at candle lighting preaching again by our pastor then adjourned in peace

Walkers point church met Sunday may the 17th 1868 preaching by our pastor then went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Sarah e hart then adjourned to Monday 4 o’clock preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Tuesday evening preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Wednesday evening preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Thursday evening preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Friday evening preaching by Elder c Elliott then the door of the church was then opened when Rachel littler was received for baptism adjourned to Saturday evening preaching by Elder manion of Kansas adjourned in peace

Walkers point church met Saturday June the 6 1868 preaching by our pastor the minutes of the last meeting was read + approved it was then resolved record all meetings adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor adjourned to 4 o’clock preaching by our pastor then went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Rachel littler adjourned in peace

Walkers point church met Sunday June 21 1868 preaching by our pastor adjourned to Monday evening preaching by our pastor adjourned to Tuesday evening preaching by our pastor adjourned in peace

Walker’s point church met Saturday July the 4th 1868 preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Mary craigmile was



Received by relation and George + wife was received by letter into full fellowship of this church resolved that we have the clerk write a letter to the Bloomfield Baptist Association and read the same at our next meeting. Adjourned to 3 o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting it was then resolved to appoint a committee to engage a pastor & circulate subscription paper to raise money to pay him + E P Bantz, H stearnes, Samuel Dalbey + I littler shall be that committee & report at our next meeting adjourned in peace            Elder c b seals mod I little church Clerk

Walker’s Point Church met on Sunday July the 19th 1868 Preaching by our pastor adjourned to 4 o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting adjourned in peace

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday Aug. 1968 the meeting was opened by singing & prayer Joseph Jones was elected Moderator the report of the committee was called for they reported nothing committee continued



Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday sept 5th 1868 Preaching by our pastor no business adjourned Sunday 11o’clock Preaching by our pastor adjourned in peace



Walkers point church met Thursday Oct. 2 1868 had a conference and prayer meeting adjourned to Friday evening preaching by our pastor adjourned to Saturday 11o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting the church was then organized for business the report of the committee was called for they reported 100 + 50 dollars raised by subscription the committee then agreed to raise the amount to 200 dollars for the support of brother seals to preach once Saturday + Sunday in each month for one year adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor the doors of the church was then opened when Thomas Dalbey + Mary Dalbey his wife were received for baptism it was then resolved by a vote of the church to call brother seals to preach twice per month or one half his time for one year for this church which shall be the first and third Sundays in each month adjourned in peace

Walkers point church met Saturday mar 7th 1868 had a conference + prayer meeting the church was then organized for business the minutes of the last meeting was read + adapted the treasurer then reported the state of the treasury 70 cts on hand adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock preaching by our pastor adjourned they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to Thomas Dalbey + Mary Dalbey his wife adjourned to candle lighting preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Abraham M Henry was received for baptism adjourned in peace             Elder c b seals mod j littler church Clerk



Subscription committee of last year made a final report and was discharged resolved that we have a subscription committee for this year and that deacon Stearns deacon Bantz and brother Samuel Dolby and sisters Sarah Dalbey and Martha stearnes be that committee adjourned tomorrow at 11 o’clock Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed to 4 o’clock Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace j littler church Clerk

Walkers point church met Saturday Oct. 5 1868 Preaching by our pastor then had a conference and prayer meeting the church was then organized for business our treasurer then reported the state of the treasury 7 dollars + 55 cents adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock Preaching by our pastor then dismissed to 4 o’clock Preaching by our pastor then dismissed in peace

Walker’s point church met Saturday Preaching by our pastor then the church was organized for business no business then adjourned again at then then was dismissed to Sunday 11o’clock Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed Preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace

Walkers point church met Saturday Preaching by brother Littler then the church was organized for business by electing to be moderator the minutes of last meeting were read and approved no other business adjourned to lamp lighting preaching by j littler then was dismissed tomorrow 11 o’clock preaching again by j littler then was dismissed to lamp lighting preaching by j littler then dismissed in peace



Walker’s Point Church met on Sunday nov 22 1868 Preaching by our pastor they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following candidates Abraham M Henry adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor then adjourned in peace

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday 5 1868 Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Willis & Lucinda Willis his wife were received by the letter into full fellowship by this church the church was then organized for business the minutes from the last meeting were read and approved the committee reported their business unfinished & were continued adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 10 o’clock had a prayer & conference meeting then a Preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened when Nathan H Russel & Caroline Russel his wife received by relation into full fellowship of this church & Henry C for baptism adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor they went to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered by our pastor to the following candidates Henry C Monroe then was dismissed in peace

Walker’s Point Church met on Saturday evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Sunday 11o’clock Preaching by our pastor then adjourned to lamp lighting Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Monday 11 o’clock had a conference & prayer meeting then was dismissed until evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Tuesday evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Wednesday evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Thursday evening Preaching by our pastor adjourned to Friday evening Preaching by our pastor then adjourned to Saturday 11 o’clock had a conference




And prayer meeting then was dismissed until evening preaching again by our pastor then adjourned to Sunday 11 o’clock preaching by our pastor the door of the church was then opened and Eli boreaz was received by relation into full fellowship of this church adjourned until evening preaching by our pastor then was dismissed in peace

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