January Ninth 1856 at our regular meeting for prayer the church met at Deacon H Stearns when John A Poole formerly of Pennsylvania who had taken the pastoral cares of the Wiband church in Champaign County All but owing to some misunderstanding had abandoned his care as their under Shepard and wound his way to the Walkers Point Church as being guided by the Holey Spirit to fulfill a mission that God had appointed him to fill. A lady of Sensibility in the spring of /55 who had lived a skeptical life but before he died join a hope in the merits of Jesus Christ but had not followed him in the ordinance of Baptism. She was troubled much about him and her own eternal welfare during this time. She had a vision in the night she thought that her and her daughter-in-law went in pursuit of grapes and that the ground was covered with snow not withstanding this they found grapes. Some good and some poor ones in their wandering they came to a wetter course where she had never been before and on its barks she met her deceased husband carrying a piece of plank in his hand accompany with another gentleman whom he introduced to her as her future husband giving his name but ——-

Richard M Stearns William Flaugher James Flaugher Caroline Flaugher and Harrison Szar received for baptism while others asked an interest in the prayers of the Church adjourned till tomorrow at 11 o’clock

Sunday, March 21 of January 11 o’clock preaching by Poole from first kings 18th chapter middle clause 21st verse when Franklin Downey was received for baptism then immediately repaired to the water where the ordinance of baptism was administered to seven candidates by Elder Carter Sarah Hart Nemo Devon and Franklin Downey baptism deferred adjourned since die Joseph Jones clerk

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, 2 February 1856 preaching by Carter attended to the ordinary busyness of the church preaching at night and on Sabbath the weather extremely cold there was no particularly interest adjourned in peace. Elder G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, March 18 56 preaching by other Carter after which the ordinary business was attended to when the business committee made the following report given first your committee beg leave to make the following report that Brother Harrison Stearns will donate a suitable parcel of grounds at the north east corner of his would lot on the south bank of Stoney near the spring in the Northeast Quarter by the Southwest Quarter of section 8 town 19 and of Range 13 W. in Vermillion County Illinois not having purchased a lot for a busy ground that may tree defend. Second resolved that Robert and Jones Isaac

And Samuel Dalbey be the authorized trustees of this church and that the deed of conveyance for the above named lot be made to them and their successors in office to behold and buy them and their successors the long as it shall be occupied for two uses and purposes before mentioned deformed

elder G.W. Carter moderator      Joseph Jones clerk

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, April 5 1856 preaching by Elder Carter after which the ordinary business was attended to whereas George Cox and Maria Havard have declared and non-fellowship with us by uniting with the Campbellites resolved therefore that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from them adjourned till Sunday. Elder G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, May 3, 1856 preaching by Carter when the building committee and their report as follows your committee beg leave to make the following report that we have surveyed the lot donated by Brother Harrison Stearns as set forth in the hearts of March 1, 1856 and that a deed of conveyance has been extended by Brother Stearns and wife and is now in the possession of your committee all of which is respectfully submitted report received

resolved that brethren John and Isaac Littler B are a committee to engage a pastor for the ensuing year and report at the next meeting. We resolve that are take a public collection tomorrow for the American Bible Union adjourned to tomorrow

Sunday morning May 18 spend one hour in social converse and prayer preaching by Carter at the close of the sermon took a collection of $8.15 elder G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, May 31, 1856 preaching by Elder Carter first report of the committee called for a verbal report was submitted as follows your committee have conferred with our present pastor and engaged him for the ensuing year salary just what the church may feel able to give under existing circumstances report served and committee discharged adjourned

Sunday morning July 1 10 o’clock spent some time in prayer preaching by Carter then celebrated the ordinance of the supper adjourned till 11 o’clock

met pursuant to adjournment preaching by Carter when Mary Radcliffe was received for baptism adjourned G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

according to previous arrangement walkers point church commenced a meeting on Friday at 4 o’clock before the fifth Sunday in July 1856 elder G.W. Riley from Paris Illinois was present and preached two sermons on Saturday and to on Sunday to a large and attentive audience his theme on Sunday first place except I’m on B ban of the Spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God secondly except the be born of the water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God he was clear and satisfactory on both points Which we respectfully and mitts report received and the committee discharged third by motion and second resolved that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from the Brother then adjourned third it is reported that William Flaugher has been intoxicated therefore resolved that Deacon Stearns engage into the matter and report at the next meeting there adjourned. G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

walkers point church met Saturday, July 5 1856 preaching by Carter first resolved that are clerk right our letter to the Association and presented at the next meeting second resolved that brethren John Little or Senior and Isaac let letter and Harrison Stearns and Seneca Stearns and Joseph Jones to be our messengers to bear our letter to the Association third resolved that we ask for the Association next year adjourned new and Sunday morning July 6 preaching by Carter at 11 o’clock and four adjourned

GW Carter MOD Joseph Jones clerk

walkers point church met Saturday, September 5, 1956 pastor absent it was rumoured that Harrison Szard had been drunk, brethren Seneca and Harrison Stearns were appointed a committee to visit him and report at next meeting adjourned to 11 o’clock tomorrow

Sunday 11 o’clock elders preached today attended the and name of the supper then adjourned Joseph Jones clerk

walkers point church met Saturday, October 4, 1956 preaching by Carter first report of committee your committee make the following report that we have visited the often brother and received no satisfaction all of

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, November 1, 1856 our pastor absent first appointed Hugh Wiley moderator second Deacon Stearns reported he had visited Brother Flaugher and as he was present he could speak for himself he acknowledges the rumour was true made satisfaction and he was reunited and his case dismissed by request Benjamin Ferris and wife were granted letter of dismissal Joseph Jones clerk Hugh Wiley moderator

Walkers Point Church met Saturday, December 6, 1856 preaching by Carter after attending to the necessary business of the church adjourned till 11 tomorrow

Sunday morning December 7 preaching by Carter when Narciso Conkey was received by letter than attended to the ordinance of the supper then adjourned G.W. Carter moderator Joseph Jones clerk

On Sunday at 4 o’clock his theme was one Lord one faith one baptism he held it forth as a come more sliding ground on which and around which all Christian might unite as that was the principle on which Christ’s visible Kingdom was founded






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