Walker’s point church met May 27, 1876 divine services organize for business minutes of church read and received unfinished business reports of committee on Finance continued new business was voted that the clerk be instructed to write the Association letter appointment of committee on repairing the house consisting of brethren as Stearns and John McFarland dismissed and by letter brother Frank Huggins and Sister Josephine Huggins was granted by letter adjournment adjourned by devotional exercises CB seals moderator
Walker’s point church met June 24, 1876 divine services organize for business minutes of church read no business appealing by motion and we adjourned brother Graham moderator
Walker’s point church met July 22, 1876 divine services organize for business minutes of church read the Association letter was read and received the Association was in session writ the Walker’s point church in August at the time of our regular church meeting this is just a memorandum
Walker’s point Church met January 15, 1876. Divine services. Organize for business. Minutes of church read.
- Unfinished business
- report of committees
- new business
- appointment of committee on Finance brethren Samuel Dalbey and W beams (to report as early as)
- peace of the church called for found in peace
- dismissed by letter sister Martha seals, was granted a letter
- received by letter, meeting was protracted during the first week of January which resulted in two candidates for baptism and three received by relation.
- Adjournment by moderator by devotional exercise.
CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met February 5, 1876. Divine services. Organize for business minutes of church were read and received
- unfinished business.
- Reports of committees. Committee on Finance reported favourably. Report received and committee continued
- new business.
- Appointment of committees.
- Peace of church called for, found in peace
- dismissal by letter.
- Received by letter.
- Adjourned by devotional exercise
CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met October 21, 1876. Divine services. Organize for business. No business. Adjourned. JA Brown moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
meeting continued over Sabbath until Monday evening. Sr. Mary Stearns United with the church. Report a finance committee taken from July meeting. Reported $55 had been expended on repairing house. Report received and committee continued. Dismissed by benediction. JA Brown moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk
Walker’s point Church met November 25, 1876. Divine services. Organize for business. Minutes of church red. Reports of committee desired further time and was continued. Adjourned by devotional exercises. CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk.
Walker’s point Church met December 23, 1876. Organized for business. Minutes of church read and received. Reports of committee reported $61.25 had been expended on the meetinghouse. Report received and committee discharged. Appointment of committee. A committee was appointed to procure a pastor for the ensuing year and also, to act as financial committee this committee consisting of brethren Seneca Stearns, CE Jones, JA Bantz, and W reams. Adjourned by benediction. CB seals moderator – FP Dalbey church clerk